Our goal is simply:
To see the stars,
To see if we can,
To see if we can get away with it,
And to cause as much havoc in the process.
We have many resources on 4chan that we can pool from:
/sci/, /k/, /biz/, /g/, /pol/, /x/, & /b/
Like-minded people who can help us do the impossible. We have the numbers, we have the intelligence, we have the combined knowledge to make this happen. We will obtain the impossible or send the media into a panic trying!
Previous thread:
>>141356428 [This update albeit rushed, I just wanted to give us some kind starting point. While I continue to look through the original thread and research on my own. Feel free to use this, or change the formatting anyway you see fit]
The Starting point:
>Step 1. For right now our first goal should be creating a more secure webpage for sharing ideas and discussing things which are borderline illegal. If not out right illegal. >Darkweb would be a good platform for this. Some of things we'll need but not limited to:
>1. A safe platform to work on and communicate with each other. >2. A method of labeling anonymous people as (newfriend, trusted, mathematician, physicist, chemist, metal worker, supplier, ect.) >3. An open chat, a trusted chat, and team chats. This is for when we later are more structured and have groups of people working on specific aspects of the project. >Chan boards aren't out of the question if that's what everyone wants. >4. A way of saving our work/documents while restricting access based on aforementioned labels. Note: If there is any security conscious people, people with a deep understanding of anonymity, or deep-webdesign. Your input is much needed on this step. We need to make sure the safety of everyone involved is at our upmost priority.
[Lastly, please avoid doing anything that could compromise your identity while we get this site up.]
>>2148384 Looking ahead: As we venture forward and plan our first step beyond the reaches of our stratosphere. Lets not look so far that we loose sight of the complications along the way. Lets instead take some time to looks at future problems and let them sink in while we assess the current one.
Cost and the acquisition of funds:
I think it is a pretty fair assumption that we want the majority of this money to come from other people and not our personal banks. I'm not above donating money to the project, however it would be better to take a different approach.
Crowd funding is one way and we can take many stances on that. Starting faux or funny crowd funds in addition legitimate ones. (of course we'll disguise that we're in anyway shape or form affiliated with 4chan.
There arises another problem.
How can we can create a trust that isn't immediately going to devolve into a scam to steal our money?
Any ideas, share them. scams welcomed.
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>>2148385 Something fun to think about along the way:
What is it we ultimately want?
The topic of micro-sats was brought up. While I agree this is the most affordable approach it is lack luster. I am not against the idea nor am I against sending up a cell phone or a digital camera.
I think it is important to talk about what we really want our satellite to be capable of. Then look at how we can implement that in a practical sense.
Do we want Micro-sat? Do we want cheap? Or do we want we want something of our own design?
If so, what would be it's purpose? i.e. Spying on people with an added feature of focusing 3 1w lasers at a target?
Any ideas, share them. Nothing is to crazy.
Honorable Mentions:
>>141356722 From oifF6zP+
>>141361948 From KBVxJpKC
>>141357786 Links:
https://web.archive.org/web/20170414033619/https://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/engineering/projects/phonesat.html https://www.sciencealert.com/this-tiny-satellite-could-be-your-own-personal-spacecraft-from-just-1-000 [Please note: I did rush through this update.
Lastly, please avoid doing anything that could compromise your own identity while we get this site up.]
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>>2148384 The last thread was funnier, you should keep it that way.
Reminder that kekistan shit must keep out. This is the only flag that we're taking to space.
>>2148390 Uh, you got it on inside out...
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>>2148390 Don't forget the flash in the pan and the hoplite identitarian logos.
>>2148384 desu OP, I'm fucking wasted (and a job interview in 8 hours (alcoholic amirite), but all the space programs are fucking letdowns, we should be looking for other planets to live on, planets to mine, planets have resources and we should use them, why governments (especially ours) take 30 % fucking tax money and don't put a fair amount to both space and sea exploration baffles me. Let's fucking do this.
count me in. i have experience in physics and chemistry and i even launched a bunch of homemade rockets (not something bigger then 1 meter tho)
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>>2148391 Damn it.
Sorry lad.
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>>2148393 Also, Qld fags, esp Bris and Sunshine coast, make somewhere and some time to meet up next week.
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Sounds like... What's the word... Fun. That'll be a nice distraction for a while.
>>2148394 same as this hippie faggot desu, but bio and chem, not physics, but fuck off hippie faggots.
>>2148394 only hardcore illegal fags going to court for possession of explosives without authourisation are telling the truth when it comes to fireworks/rockets, desu
Good luck not being infiltrated by posting the seed of an idea on a PUBLIC FUCKING FORUM. Apart from that carry on. Is it illegal for microsats to fuck with other satellites?
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>>2148384 Don't go to Saturn.
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Just focus on putting a nazi flag in space like anon said for lulz
>>2148401 Amateur rockets aren't illegal anon. And it's not like antifa can fuck with a rocket launch.
>>2148404 No, but it think the fuel that's required might cross some sort of regulations.
Basically, we're building a missile to fire our hate speech into the stars above.
>>2148404 kek if antifa tries to interfere just launch the thing early so they burn to death from the propellant burning in a spectacular orange flame of death and memes.
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>>2148400 Some countries allow you to have them.
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>>2148400 >>2148399 good enough?
here's one i made in highschool
its not even a firework i loaded it with nitroglycerin
btw i wanted to pick the pirate flag but i missclicked
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>>2148404 Antifa can't do shit unless their bosses bus them in.
>>2148385 >How can we can create a trust that isn't immediately going to devolve into a scam to steal our money? I'm watching to see if 4chan can figure this one out.
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I would love it if our weaponized autism reached the stars and space ayylaoms had a real hard time containing our autism and depravity and antics that seem to never ever end.
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>>2148384 thanks aussie bro for keeping the idea alive !!!
Public Blockchain Ledger !3BXanaRchY
>>2148411 Name related. Use a cryptocurrency, because it's all public. Can't really scam someone if everybody can see what's happening.
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Only one day is left only one day we are leaving the others we're going away Today we all steal animals we are possession is lost Our souls are from the wild and wings to reach the sky let the sun fall into the ocean, let the earth erupt in flame It is enough to have the strength and knowledge to raise our dream machines into the sky Let them sleep who do not know the final day is here the very last and we leave at dawn Millions of machines on nitroglycerin Thunder in us There is no force no money and no power To stop us now and change our fate Before we rise Now every problem is destroyed We raise our hands and bodies to the peak Into the Universe - towards the stars we go Sending machines up to the sky
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>>2148385 >How can we can create a trust that isn't immediately going to devolve into a scam to steal our money? cant we do it via bitcoin or other cryptos ? also maybe we can have a just in time funding mechanism to avoid some one taking the money... as in set up the secure site people tell u what they want to donate... and every time there is a bill to pay one of the people that wants to donate chips in.
i know not the brightest plan but hey its just an idea.
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>>2148384 a lot of people are on board, lets figure out whether nasa really invented stars.
Posted this in the other thread too but let me know what you guys think, we're thinking it has to be manned because it's impossible to activate the balloon otherwise.
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>>2148405 Let's which country spends millions in shooting it down again
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>>2148422 This is why we have /lgbt/
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bangmp lets' get this plan off the ground>To infinity... >FOR THE LULZ!
>>2148422 >>2148421 While it would be funny to send giant red swastikas floating above populated areas. This is not the goal we want. We want the impossible, a missile to launch our thoughts into the sky.
>>2148390 Send the Battle Flag too.
It would be incredible if first nazi flag on space is put there by /pol, but I believe it will create attrition with the other boards. They're überfaggs mostly
ok so this is my idea, lets attach our rocket to a weather balloon and when the balloon pops in our atmosphere we activate the rockets so it has enough thrust to get out of the atmosphere
This would never work because of lulz. There are always gonna be some ass hole that gets a kick out of sabatoging the project, the proverbial "combo breaker" that always tries to tear stuff down, and the autistic horde of 4chan is full of them. Riding in a 4chan built rocket would be suicide.
>>2148427 /pol/ is strong. /pol/ has already conquered the other boards. Our influence is unmatched!
They will cooperate, or else!
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>>2148428 But you could just burn several kilos of solid fuel and achieve the same height with massive delta difference
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>>2148429 At least we would get a lot of volunteering anons for any manned flights we launch.
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>>2148426 more like /pol's private raspberry pie satellite that is broadcasting redpills from orbit
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>>2148429 Private individuals launching a space program IS a combo breaker. So far it's been all state-state-state.
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>>2148384 All you need is a weather balloon, a fish-eye camera and someone from /sci/ to set it all up
God fucking dammit. Hi /bant/. Again.
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>>2148429 I wouldn't worry about outside interference for sabotage but apathy from /pol/ itself will be the program's undoing. more shitposters than scientists
hiya /bant/
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>>2148384 Reminder that any unauthorized rocket program will be considered a middle and can trigger WWIII
>>2148452 petition to rename /bant/ to /4sp/
>4chan Space Program >>>/4sp/ Anonymous
move the threads back to /pol/ this is politics related
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why the fuck is this moved to /bant/ fucking mods i need my semi-rare flag looks
>>2148475 Goddamn the mods but since we're here we might as well preach the love of Kek I guess
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>>2148475 shhhhhh. / 卐/141367856
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>>2148384 you guys are too retarded to count to 10, let alone go to space
>>2148474 Do you really want to be referred to as 4spie?
>>2148475 they just pruned the last /pol/ hread
they know we can do it, and it will bring an influx of 3rd world space dreamers to 4ch
>>2148519 finally a board i can belong in.
i wish they'd created a board about space instead of this shithole /bant/, just to satisfy sjw mods and to divide and conquer /pol/.
necessity is the mother of invention
(off topic, but i guess this is that board
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WibmcsEGLKo )
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first space station has to be called "fuck off we're full"
>>2148545 Their fear is justified. I mean, if we can send stuff to space and we are anon, shouldn't we proceed with our endplans?
I mean bomb Mecca and then Israel and so on...
Yesssssss I can feel it! Imagine the possibilities!
Sciencemadness.org is a good place to go to read up on the chemistry and physics of rocket fuels for DIY rockets.
http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=11583 Here a guy recommends trying a potassium nitrate/sugar mix first before moving on to more powerful stuff.
Thing is we will probably need some test runs.
>>2148606 maybe we can sponge off some stuff from kim... i bet he wants to see his firecrackers in action
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>>2148427 Fuck no, keep that reddit trash down bellow 4 yards of ground.
Put a cirno sticker on it
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>>2148498 >kuk >not blepe back to facebook
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Discord gg DqE4X6G
>>2148664 they also discuss nitrated sugar (sucrose octanitrate) as a stable, shock-insensitive solid rocket fuel.
This would be a good option, but you need concentrated nitric acid to nitrate the sugar. This needs to be done in a cooled and controlled fashion especially since several kilos will be needed.
Problem is that conc. nitric acid isn't available anymore at least around here thanks to muslim enrichment. But it can be made from a nitrate salt and concentrated sulfuric acid. It's another days work though, and distilling concentrated acids needs good preparation and care;
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>>2148668 this, can somebody set up a diplomatic line to kim
we can get him inter-terrestrial respect
and form the strongest political alliance this side of andromeda
>>2148717 i can made nitric acid. i already have actually.
you just need to mix HCl with copper and nitrate salt, then bauble the nitrogen gas through water and there you go.
I remember once watching the news about a decade or more ago, when the newsreader suddenly with a smile on her lips announced that Congo made its first experimental runs in a space programme they had set up. They showed a bunch of niggers trying to ignite a large rocket, made from hard cardboard or similar. The first one didn't work but they had a second one, which went into the air in a bad angle and soon fell back on earth. Still the test was considered successful and you then saw a bunch of niggers dancing holding the spent rocket over their head.
>>2148763 maybe the Belgians could lend them a hand
>>2148763 30km is enough to view the earth from orbit.
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>>2148763 >>2148767 ARSAT MOTHERFUCKERS
>>2148758 You can just mix the alkali nitrate salt with "super" drain cleaner, which is technical grade concentrated H2SO4. You can recognize it easily thanks to its specific gravity, half a liter weighs about a kilogram.
Your route I'm not familiar with it. Won't the copper generate nitrous fumes (NO, NO2)? Can it be easily scaled up?
Using the nitrate/H2SO4 route NOx formation can be minimised and conc. HNO3 distills at 83°C. Distillation of HNO3 isn't hard but IIRC you have to grease the joints of your distillation setup with conc. H2SO4 instead of silicone grease. Also you're heating a precipitated salt and acid mix so watch out for bumping.
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>>2148776 >>2148853 holy shit two princes
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>>2148385 Fuck you, give me money. I'll do whatever <insert your bullshit here> 'I PINKIE PROMISE/SWEAR!
If "we indeed can", I wouldn't mind volunteering as kekstronaut. I'm no physicist or chemist, so I'm just going to follow the updates. I want to see how this goes, and perhaps we can make DIY SK-1 later, lol
Kek|(I|We)(Are|Am)Process|Kek ID:GDNkFyPS Wed 13 Sep 2017 15:42:06 No. 2148957 Report >>2148947 What you want to be is a chrononaut. Go to /sci/ as there are a fuckton there.
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http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=23906 >But that may not be what you want, the best propellants are perchlorate-metal fuel-binder. This could be something. You can easily make sodium chlorate from sodium chloride (table salt) by electrolysis. You need MMO anode (TiO2 on platinized Ti), and a titanium cathode which can be bought from ebay. And a PC power supply as a DC power source that can pull some amps.
The chlorate precipitates, is stable and non-toxic, and quite a lot can be produced from a couple of cells in a week or so.
Making perchlorate from chlorate is more problematic because the cost. The procedure is exactly the same but you need a platinum anode, which is expensive.
The metal powder can be zinc or aluminium. There are several sources for that, even metallic spray paint IIRC.
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>>2148957 Nope. Bust out DeLoreans aren't as comfy as anon's fresh homemade Bocтoк
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>>2148824 the copper will generate nitrous fumes that will be bubbled through water to create nitric acid
nurdrage made a good video showing how to do it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGjd7xxTuZw Anonymous
do you retards actually think you can send something or someone into space
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>>2150156 >do you retards actually think you can send something or someone into space All of the mathematics have been accounted for.
Do not step to autism in the realm of science and math.
You will lose.
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>>2148664 This guy made me chuckle, you will need a route to get Peroxide at more than 80% of volume, this is how we have the main "compound" of how a rocket works....
don't mind me, I can, I have the resources.
I don't want to help reddit faggots like you and /pol/.
Eat shit.
Logoguy !CSZ6G0yP9Q
This was the last prototype logo I made when we were just starting out. So I'd like to get some more ideas going, >What colors do we want >I heard more like startrek >I heard it should be an earth + clover and look like a space patch >I heard nat soc shit >I heard NO nat soc shit What do we want friends? Here was the last one incase we get multiple boards involved. Made this a good couple of hours ago.
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>>2151229 I don't like coloured outline on the clover, maybe it could work of it wasn't that thin but i think black is better for this design unless you've got something cooked up rn.
Better to organize through data planning. Need somebody to strawpool how many people we are and have a separate group to coordinate all the infrastructure. Somebody to up a discord to make a plan ?
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>>2151444 there is already one
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He is the banner, what i made like 7h ago for request
I calculated how much rocket fuel you would need to get out of orbit with 10 kg payload and 6.6 MJ/kg fuel density
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>>2152830 The fuel i used was Tetranitromethane + hydrazine
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>>2152830 Weve set a new discord up discord gg nZuDrR4
>>2148428 make sure to 1) have the weather balloon detach and preferably launch off to the side.
2) have enough calculations done in terms of approximating mid-atmosphere wind and whatnot to see roughly how high it will get before disengaging the weather balloon and focusing on the rocket. I doubt we'll get into "space", but that'd definitely get in the upper stratosphere at the least.
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>>2153169 This stuff interests me a lot, I might try to come up with some designs for a small payload to get into Mesosphere or the thermosphere.
If we can get a REALLY GOOD high quality weather balloon and pure helium, we could probably get into the mesosphere with just that. I have no clue what types of rockets we'd need though.
I'll get back to you guys on the next thread with some potential leads in terms of materials needed and price points.
can we send up the ISIS flag for shits and giggles
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>>2153268 or we chip in a bit more and launch u into space without a suit
>>2148390 This should be the flag you fag.
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>>2148431 More like /pol/ conquered nothing. /pol/s influence is stinking up the other boards with the smell of old underwear.
>>2148384 Bumping to see where this goes
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>>2153684 join the discord server discord gg EfH7jPj
Kek|(I|We)(Are|Am)Process|Kek ID:GDNkFyPS Thu 14 Sep 2017 00:26:53 No. 2154021 Report Quoted By:
>>2153300 This is the flag we need. I will wait until you all calm down and wait for the next batch of humans that pick up this cause.
Or you can live the cause in front of you and hear my words.
>>2153642 BR = 1
Welcome to Humanity.
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I hate reddit/pol kek niggers. But this is pretty interesting. Also send this.
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>>2148384 im gonna have to say uh
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Wow, I didn't think this would still be alive.
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currently double majoring in aerospace and chem, would love to leave this sinking ship with my fellow autists