>>21504974>As opposed to what?As opposed to other religions / belief systems where you don't get cucked by God, or where that's not possible.
It's that simple really.
I don't need to read the rest of your cope and seethe really. BUt I'll still respond to the parts which I think are relevant.
>Even fucking paganism is full of stories of that happening.That might be true, but they didn't make Jesus, the fruit of the Divine cuckolding the central point of their religion, did they?
Like let's take Zeus for example.
Zeus cheats on his wife Hera over and over in Greek mythology. It's like a recurring theme.
But Zeus is literally THE Gigachad, in the most literal sense possible.
HE is idolized, and for good reason.
His bastard children are Demi-Gods, which is logical, as they are born of the union of Zeus and mortal human women.
If Zeus has a kid with another god, that child is a full-on God himself, not a demi-God.
Hercules is a Demi-God for example. Son of Zeus and a mortal woman.
This is how you do Cuckolding correctly.
Christians, instead of identifying with the guy who cucks everyone else, identify with Jesus.
So if I call you a "Christcuck" it is not only accurate but also deserved.
Furthermore : "Turn the other cheek" is cucked.
"Be a passive little bitch" is cucked.
"Give all your money to the poor and follow me" while it comes from a good intention, also cucked.
Do you want me to continue?
Go point by point, finding all the cucked scripture in the Bible?
Trust me, you don't want to go down this rabbithole with me.
If you pray to Christ, you are Christcuck, asking for forgiveness from your Savior that is the physical embodiement of Divine Cuckolding.
You are cucked.
Prove me wrong.
You can't.
Also : Racemixing and Pro-immigration stance of Chrsitians.
If you put your Religion before your people (race) then you're also Racially cucked by being pro racemixing.
Pic related.