As a teen I would often just put some powder chocolate (used for making chocolate milk) into some french bread. That was my snack-time. I did eat proper lunch and dinner, so it's all good.
When I started living by myself, I would survive on university refectory meals and when there were no classes or at night I would just eat cookies. My cholesteral went to shit during those years, I'm mr skeltal but it was getting on "careful there, pal" levels according to blood exams.
In one of these days I went to the movies after only eating a pack of cookies all day. The summer sun mixed with the motion sickness (first 3D 60fps movie, The Hobbit) made me feel very sick, and after surviving 30 minutes in the subway and having some rando on the street give me a ride from the station to my house, I had to play a puzzle where I had to keep both my asshole and my throat attached to the toilet, because both ends wanted to make offerings.
Once my golem was complete, the empty husk of what remained of me dragged itself to the bed, hungry, defeated. It was already night, nowhere I could go to buy some food.
So I ate some bread I had bought earlier: hot dog buns made of something that was definitely not proper bread, never ate shittier buns in my life. They were mere hotdog-holders, made of nothing.
Learn to use a rice cooker and you're golden, all you need is rice, vegetables and diced meat. You will never eat poorly again.