>>21560741Too bad thats not how the world works. You can repeat your dead cult brainwashing all you want, its no more powerful than any other cult. The law of Abraham is dead, forever, you dumb slave to your corpse God. There is no such thing as sin. Your wicked priests created these laws thousands of years ago to enslave you.
Love is the law, not worthless jewish delusion. Go sacrifice a sheep, or martyr yourself, or give some money to your wicked cult leader if you want. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is dead, forever.
All cults who claim anyone outside their cult goes to Hell, are liars and the enemies of all humanity. Let them all be destroyed. Christianity = slavery to a dead man. There will never be a judgement day or any end times. It was a lie to enslave you. Break their mind control and curse their God.
"Destroy those who destroy the Earth"
Looks like your God gets to die first, according to his own law! Christians are the falsest of all prophets, always were, always will be. They are A L W A Y S wrong. The most gullible of all religions. Abrahamism = Trauma based mind control and child abuse. Worshipping an idol of a man on a roman torture rack who tells you to bear a roman torture rack.