>>21584044>Satanism Which "ism" or "ity" allows for a life in a real world with actual causality, freedom and a lack of government oversight?
I feel like mind control cults that are described in this "world" don't offer that, instead they just offer excuses for why operand conditioning exists or outright label it as holy...
Where is the place you can live that isn't full of threats, violence and abuses against you or others that want control over you? Is there a place like that?
I feel like the "religions" of this world can't ever seem to explain a paradise because they simply can't produce one, a shitty place however is easy to imagine and explain because it seems like that's what this place is... shitty, and of coarse you can make it worse... you can always make it more shitty, but what does an actual wonderful life look like and is there any way to make people realize dreams that are wonderful and actually have those dreams facilitated for them? Or is it all just garbage slop and you gotta benefit the leaders of the garbage slop and eat your shit sandwich because they need more slave labor... and no it can't be enjoyable because it's more fun to see how far power goes when you exert force over others (or something to that effect)
Why make a fake world shitty when the possibilities are endless? I guess that's sort of what I'm asking and vainly so I suppose as it's most likely to not be answered or recieve some retarded non sequitor or some insulting non answer of nonsense...