>>21586757The bible, and other religous texts, contain stories that are much older and probably modified, partially forgotten, miscommunicated orally or adapted to the culture they are adopted by like for example how globo-homo America now thinks fags and women leaders are fine.
I think the books and stories come from different ages, speaking astronomically for a minute about the precession of the equinoxes as a measure of how long modern humans have walked this planet. Each "age" in the axial precession takes about 26,000 years, and there are 12 of them. Archeological records are beginning to shed more light on how ancient we actually are, using estimates based on dating techniques going back a couple hundred thousand years at least.
The night sky changes very little throughout the lifetime of an ancient man, but it was watched very closely for a long time. Go watch "Ancient Apocalypse" somewhere and Graham Hancock talks a lot about how ancient megalithic structures mark important events in the year, and how iterations of these buildings point to different places in the sky, oriented at the same stars but at different angles marking their movements over long periods of time.
These people had stories, and how might one encapsulate the zeitgeist of an age than through a story that is meant to communicate a lesson. Passed from past to present as a gift of knowledge, partially historical in the abstract, but fictionalized as a form of data compression.
That is what I think the books of the bible and other religious texts and stories are. I've got a book that documents over 30,000 religions, past and present, and you see similar themes in them that are adapted for the local culture, making it appear as if there was either a more ancient common source, or knowlede transfer across the world.
Now if you're a woman reading this congratulations, I just made you think about how all of your retarded horoscope and crystal bullshit and the Bible are tied together.