>>21628881Good luck with that!
Having done almost the same thing, I warn you not to be surprised when she flips out down the road.
If you are willing to shack up with her, you should also be willing to marry her.
If you do that, you MUST maintain control as the head of the family.
I cannot stress this enough.
When tolerate her crazy, which she will manifest and tell you that it's just that one time, you will get more, and more, and more.
She is mentally unstable.
She is not fit to be in control of your future.
Your job is to love her, but her job is to respect you, which also means obeying you.
I suffered the crazy for almost a decade before I just forced her to quit.
Even that didn't help much.
The ONLY thin that did is daily family Bible study (We us Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee). Bipolar is a demonic attack.
You sound like a nice guy.
Don't be.
Be what you have to be to maintain order in your home.
Get married if you want to go down this path. God will give you no help otherwise.