>>21632126Its not an easy process. First, make sure there aren't any physical reasons for depression:
Eat right. And by that, it is best to eat low carb/no carb to minimize inflammation. Inflammation will cause depression, along with body aches. No seed oils for the same reason.
Get outside. You need sunlight for vitamin D, which acts like a hormone in the body. And nature is healing. We weren't meant to be trapped in artificially lit boxes for our entire day.
Exercise. Get your blood pumping with something as simple as walking for an hour a day.
Do these, and sadness or grief will go away in time. Grief takes time, and is not limited to death. You can grieve a job loss and broken dreams.
But if it is truly depression, then these will not fix the problem. Next, you need to address the mind. Identify problem behaviors. These are often labeled the cause of depression. But these are more likely only symptoms of an underlying issue. Do you compulsively watch porn, or play vidya? It is an easy way to alter your state of mind. Porn is powerful in this aspect. It overwrites your mental state with the biological need or reproduction, letting you forget your troubles. What are you running from? A childhood hurt? We often turn to distraction as a coping mechanism, even though the problem will never go away until it is addressed. I highly recommend a 12-step program for whatever main problem you are facing (addiction, overeating, porn, alcohol, etc). You can't get out of this alone, or else you would have already.