>>21647699because here healthcare means profit for private businesses that provide shit service and blow 60% of the budget on administrative overhead. the most basic bitch healthcare worker earns over $400k and if you need a bandaid, suddenly the government is paying $5000 for it to be placed delicately upon everyone that needs one.
healthcare should be free. it should become a branch of the civil service, all volunteer, pro bono, free med school and term. if there is a healthcare shortfall, we should draft these rich healthcare assholes that are earning in private insurance rackets to provide free baseline service.
we do not want and cannot afford the government to pay rich assholes to kill us anymore. we need free healthcare services, we dont need free healthcare insurance. the government health service and the private health insurance schemes should be in fierce competition. the gov should abuse its monopoly on drafting assholes into service delivery roles to ensure all americans have the best healthcare in the world for free. then on top of that our private sector innovators can one-up the planet in even better ways unburdened of the bullshit work.