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/SETF/ Silver Ends the Fed | Thanksgiving, not thankstaking edition.

No.21665710 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bitcoin being pegged to gold by the United States legislation would destroy the federal reserve and simultaneously all currencies globally due to deflationary spirals of the enforcement of this mockery of values.
There's only two instances of a deflationary event of this magnitude in recorded history. One was the Spanish conquistadors' glut of silver from the America's, and the other was recorded biblically during the time of King Solomon when silver was abundant as rocks 1 kings 10:27.
However, neither of these deflationary events were charades of currencies; they both involved real money, “silver” anchored to reality in utility.
Due to the demonization of silver and repudiation of copper in the 1760s-1800s to the bait and switch of scarcity ( as the preferred money without the utility of silver paired any longer and copper relegated to worthlessness, society was ripe for the next bait and shift into paper and debt notes. Meanwhile, the governments leveraged the metals for war.
The mind-numbing and dumbing down of the masses of useless eaters and consumers could now begin to accelerate, as their attention was misdirected from intrinsic value instruments towards permission and decreed value token instruments. Their bellies being filled with enough to not become so discontented as to strive for survival was just subtle enough to accept the lies of what money is not without significant resistance.
The cycles of boom and bust that were manufactured by the carefully balanced currency creation and social engineering through the direction of the picking of the winners and loosers of the illusionary capital structures through the industrial revolution and into the technological age have cracked the whip effectively enough without digging too deeply into the backs of the sheeple, yet just enough for the fools to not only have labored in digging their own graves, but also preparing their own suicide mechanisms.
This is nothing new. Don't be foolish.
Stack on.