>>21669498>>21670613>>21670648You fell into all their traps, and for that your children, if you were ever going to have any, will live in a world where the fathers laid becuse they rather play pretend and be pawns in the process than take a genuine stand without all the sparkle. Wignat posers, and utter children. I may not be fully white (I consider myself an artisan type) but using logic and good rhetoric I try to lead white people into caring about their race, but that is just ontop of me helping them with other things you demonstrate none of this care, none of this racial kinship, and I’m not even full white. It’s disappointing, you disappointments to your movement, and it’s really sad becuse maybe if you people got your heads on you could actually be the tools of a worthy cause. But no. And for that you are the enemy and mere tools of the system. Terrible. You’ll hate trannies till it’s me who calls them out. Your full of shit and you should be shot, and the Jews deserve you as pets. May bad luck and illness befall you. May Father Time curse you and all your affairs and ventures. May you know what death is truly like yet live. Nexuca Vindicta Malifica