But the problem at hand isn't just about getting the information, it's about understanding the information.
Lets say that they release the tapes and it shows 10 robberies of which 5 are white dudes and 5 are black dudes.
Racists will generally ignore those 5 white dudes and latch onto the black dudes. And rage sells, so news papers will feed you these stories either to get you to rage against the blacks, the system or the racists. As long as you are angry and clicking they are happy.
But the real thing you should notice is the information that I haven't said and that is almost never highlighted: 10 robberies amongst how many interactions? And the percentage of robbers was 50/50, but how many of each group used the public transport system at these times. Maybe 8 out of 10 people there are white - meaning that there might be some racial discrepancy here. Maybe it's the other way around. And what if this is 10 robbieries during 200 000 users. That's nothing. That means that if there is 50/50 split amongs black and white users then there are 99995 innocents of whichever group you want to demonize that you are judging for simply existing.