>>21686671racism is fucking stupid, is all I know. imagine thinking there's some solidarity between random fuckers on the basis of the color of their skin. that's the most autistic shit imaginable, to think that because you share the same skin color as some other fuckers that you can inherit their accomplishments (or crimes, for that matter), or that there's some inherent love between you, like being born into the "same skin color club" is enough on its own to foster that sort of camaraderie.
if you don't have a sense of community, it's because the neoliberal establishment wants everyone to be an "rugged individualist" which is why they have shoved this rhetoric down our throats for the past 60 years or so, about how you should only have allegiance to self (and of course the pursuit of profit, whatever the cost). you think the RNC, their delegates, their candidates, their representatives would have it any other way? they pander and pay lip service to your traditional values while upholding that neoliberalist rhetoric that produces the conditions for a lack of community, and individualistic isolationism, so their crony capitalism can thrive.
it's why disenfranchised young men gravitate to ANYTHING they can feel part of that's greater than themselves, even if it's ultimately meaningless or destructive to society.