>>21693909Yes, there is some natural variability from person to person, and if it lacks sufficient mustiness you can double the amount of cum in the recipe to a full shot glass' worth. You can also reduce the mixture further on the stove, until it becomes dark brown and tarry. Just don't let it burn or stick to pan, trust me. If it's TOO thick and chunky to apply smoothly, just slowly add in more piss while stirring until the consistency is more even and fluid.
As an advanced bonus step to add extra punch, complexity and range to your "cologne", you can seed the balm with microorganisms from your skin and sweat, specifically sweat produced by the apocrine sweat glands of your anogenital region. Masturbate until your taint gets sweaty. Then, take a dull butter knife or spoon and (gently!) scrape the sweat off of your perineum and off the back of your balls, then stir into the mixture. It may not be much, but the natural flora of your skin and sweat will reproduce in the rich slurry until it reaches equilibrium, producing more heady, masculine and pungent aromas.