[36 / 5 / ?]

106KiB, 1500x1000, Brittany-Mahomes-122522-06-8caacece80c045d5b29c6574a266cbd6.jpg
Quoted By: >>21706071 >>21706072 >>21706077 >>21706082 >>21706083 >>21706089 >>21706093 >>21706099 >>21706100 >>21706101 >>21706102 >>21706138
How do white muttland parents cope when their white girl brings in a nigger to Christmas and tells them shes getting engaged with him or when their white son comes in with a chinkoid and tells them that they're getting engaged. How does the "white" dad not pull out a revolver instantly when he sees shit like that? Imagine unironically having mongrel grandkids.