>>21720604You faggots are like flies to shit. Look how easy it is to rile you up LOL.
I just want to help you "people" stop being pathetic little cucks. It's the civic duty of every white male that isn't a fucking faggot.
Josie is on her last leg. She will fade away back into her goon cave, using men and getting fucked by the ones she deems most worthy
The funny part is her standards are so fucking low (Van? Winston? LOL) and ya'll still couldn't fuck. We've all seen the picture of you pathetic losers at the convention. Weak. Awkward. Unfuckable even by the lowest of standards
You are not men, you are not even human. You are a walking monetary tampon for the beaners insatiable greed. Once the well dries up she will be a broke ass loser again and you will all move on to the next vulnerable e-girl you think you can fuck (you cant) and the process will start over. Like an ouroboros of lonely male misery.