>>21721491>literally no other logical explanation for the universeWell we don't know how the universe came into existence so there are actually quite a few (literally infinite) number of ways it could have happened.
>It had a definite beginning at a certain point in the pastThis appears to be correct, but remember we can't see all the way back to the beginning of the universe only to about what seems to be a couple million years after it started expanding feom a singularity. Also remember space and time are linked and thinking about the past of a singularity is nonsensical because singularities are effectively timeless and spaceless.
>it only began onceYou don't know this. How could you know this? And you can't know this through logic, logic has limitations that should be backed up by empirical methods.
>and it couldn't have created itselfYou can't really know this. Remember logic has limitations do not think yourself into nonsense. Some things are unknown and unknowable.
>nor done so to the degree of perfection that we observe, following incredibly complex laws of physicsThis is an anthropocentric fallacy. What you observe as perfection may be like a puddle of water who thinks the hole he is in was made specifically for him because of how well it fits. The wiser of us know that water simply fills the shape of it's container.
>There's no other explanation other than an omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent creatorThere are infinitely many. Because Christianity or even God can't be falsified we can substitute with any other unfalsifiable explanation such as string theory or even a great cosmic spaghetti monster.
Please look into the term "falsifiability"
Infact you can read this it may do you good.