>>21727490Yea, most dont do this stuff. I still look at all the groups on telegram and whatnot that I abandoned, the same people, talking about the same problems still 3 years later. Success rate for quitting porn is like 10% or less lol. I am not a complete shame to my ancestors. To some degree in my age now I understand money better. Money is actually quite important. Now I am no jew. I wouldnt walk over people to get money. But gathering it is still very important.
It allows for transportation, for free time, for research and development. I spend a lot of time just thinking about how to make it, how to use it. I read books around it. I think that a lot of people think that money is evil because jews abuse it completely. Like there is no moral way to use money.
Money I see in a similar way to delicious food and to sex. Its somewhat of an animal instinct that can grow out of control, you can get fat, you can fornicate a lot. But act of it, is not inherently evil. It is a building block of life. Without food or procreation your organism will suffer. Most people who became traditionalist, or national socialist think they need to do a knee jerk reaction to money. Instead of just using it in a more neutral way, without hate.
Lots of people suffer from this mental problem. A really big shame. Lots of our efforts for political activism would increase if people had my mindset.