>>21743497>just another braindead subhuman fleshbot dead giveaway
there is no "just"
there is always a preceding cause
these retarded abominations love any excuse to stop thinking and congratulate themselves on being right
think about how these things were bred under christianity to become 95%+ of the population
you can never reason with them, you can only create an ecosystem of lies to inflate their egos and command them.
or you can just collapse society with a handful of good men and watch them all starve and kill eachother.
no vote necessary, no popular mandate, just take advantage of your position inside the heart of the system to collapse it.
there is no way the jew can stop you from doing this other than to imprison you, and they have no pretext to do so.
that's why they constantly spam stories trying to hype up their mass surveillance, but every time they "catch" a bad goy it's because he had a cell phone on him or they inserted a patsy so they can pretend their system works