>>21753242>The difference is that on occasion there will be a frog thread that is actually good or meaningful.The thread you mentioned is a good one but that's not a frog thread, that's a thread with a frog, not every thread with a frog is a frog thread
>There is a poster here trying to engage with the thread but because he's not doing the toddler babble or because he's not part of their group, he gets ignored.That's true, like it's uncommon for them to reply to people not posting in the style they do, in contrast the frogposters are more open to talking to anyone in their threads
Frog threads are more spammy because of the unrelated same pics, but animal roleplay threads are less willing to engage unless you conform
Like I've never seen the animal threads do anything like this
>>21753191>>21751186>>21752549Animal thread pics are always very different to each other and the posts will be directly relevant to the pics, but yeah as you mentioned the roleplayers can be insular, there's more to both sides than just those two dimensions but I can see how insularity is more of a problem than pic irrelevance, obviously interacting with posters is important
>It is possible to curate your /bant/ experience and it's mostly the frog threads and animal roleplay threads that are a problem with thisStuff you don't want is always going to get through filters of any board, the biggest reason I don't see the animal and frog threads as a problem is because there's not that many of them they're not prolifically bumped and bant's so slow, it's not like there are all these great threads that are dying off early because of them
The frog and animal threads are just not a big deal