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Apologize For Existing

ID:fLZT5SpD No.2175208 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your insistence on your freedom of speech makes life unbearable for other people - people who are demographically virtuous, people better than you.
If you wouldn't kiss a man, you're an insecure closet fag.
Geyserous "squirting" has nothing to do with urine and if you disagree you are a misogynist forcing sexist lies on women.
Don't you fucking hate country and folk music? It's so boring, annoying, and made by bigots.
Get sterilized.
Get euthanized.
Abort that kid, you're too young to be a good parent, and if its quality of life won't be significantly higher than your own, it's not worth living.
Adopt an oppressed black kid.
Encourage your local empowered urban black woman to get an abortion too, though.
Reproduction is just a selfish urge.
No means no, but yes doesn't necessarily mean rape. If she regrets it, it was probably rape.
Marriage is for idiots, breeding is for stupid people, unless it's interracial which enriches the gene pool.
Masochism and cuckoldry are fetishes for the thinking man.
Who even wants to live past 35? It's all downhill from there. People should just kill themselves at 40 to avoid getting old and weak. What a horrible existence it is being old, no one cares about or loves you, everyone thinks you're a burden.
You know what the real problem is with humans? Religion. Humans evolved aggressive instincts to survive, but there is no need for survival instincts anymore, because That's Been Taken Care Of. Religion is to blame for all war, one way or another.
Religion is the enemy of science and critical thought. The funding of scientific efforts in Europe by organized religious groups isn't worth mentioning in light of the oppression of scientists by churches.
Turning down a fat woman for sex is unconditionally rape.
Don't clap, you could cause someone to re-live a trauma.
Don't bring a baby to work, if a woman who's had an abortion hears it she might have a panic attack. This is natural. Abortion is good for women.
Die young and childless.