>>21752702>Popular "white" music became super queer.worse it became childish and immature. No wonder my generation finds 'adulting' hard.
Sidenote: I really fucking hate hipsters. They act like spoiled children. No, they're more like 2 kids in a trenchcoat pretending to be an adult to get into an r-rated movie. Everything they do is just pretending to be an adult.
Hipsters have absolutely horrid taste in everything. The beers they drink; IPA and Pabst is fucking disgusting slop. The food they eat is based upon how niche it is. The music they listen to is either very indie or the most mediocre of rap.
It's like their entire personality is contrarian to the core. Based upon rejecting what works aka the good and successful, because it's popular. And instead embracing the boring and mundane. Hipsters venerate the profane and detest what is sacred. They consider drag and transexualism to be holy. Yet they reject all that is good and rishteous in the world. They have a warped and inverted world view. In a way they are both the the boomers and the anti-thesis of boomers, in the 21st century.
Hipsters have no identity. That's why the cop the identities of other cultures. They wear the facets of many cultures like trophies, in a horrible mish-mash of a stew that makes no stylistic sense. Hipsters the prime perpetrators of "cultural appropriation." They hate when a White person who isn't them wear the symbols and trappings of another culture. But will do so 'ironically.' I detest irony. Nothing's ironic i forced. Have you ever spoken to hipsters at any lenght. All their conversations are shallow and frightened. They try so hard not to offend anyone. Mindfulness is killing them from the inside out. But give them a non-protected class to go after like White Men and they will become the ultimate racists. Even against their own kind.
Fuck hipsters. Gotta kill them all!