>>21762470>we're humans, we have emotions, Calm down. We absolutely don't all the same emotions, nor do we all react the same and most especially: Our emotions vary with our age and the experiences we go through.
>we don't have full control over what we feel as humans.Key here is full control. We have a lot of control about what we allow to feel and why.
>and all humans feel the same things including an instinctual natural desire to be held by a woman, No.
Absolutely not. Babies and children feel this. Men actually do not. Men HOLD the girls. The girls EARN a man holding her.
This is what the vast majority of men feel. To the point that this is what is normal.
You have deep problems and you pretend everybody has the same mental or emotional problems that you do.
What don't you understand?
That idea that men want to hold women is only true for little boys simping about a cute girl but still not completely separated from their mother.
Real men don't care if they hold girls of ir the girls they have been fucking hold them - unless to figure how much the girl in question likes them.
>we evolved such a thing to support pair-bonding for raising children. No.
First you fuck the woman. As a man it is what it is.
Why the fuck do you think men want to hold or be held by women they haven't fucked yet?
That's fucking sick and child like.
That's incredibly bad for your own soul.
It's like any other destructive fetish.
There is girl. I fuck girl. I may hold girl.
Never it is like
>oh shit I want to hold a girl so much>but you've always had women your entire life, >you don't get it that's all. I've had girls but I've also not had girls.
In fact I have not had girls in years. I would like to have girls, sure, but I have more important shit to do in my life right now.
I confess that I know a few girls I would absolutely like to... eventually hold.
But for now I would just like to fuck them again and again. A few I acually enjoy as people (the girls).