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Both trans and autismos in current age are attention seeking faggots who want to feel special and marginalized. Notice it’s all white men/women who are trans or “autistic” these days. They see the niggers and spics having their asses kissed, say “why can’t I have that?”, go to a psychiatrist or some sort of new age doctor for some sort of diagnosis (usually by always choosing the “trans” or “autistic” answers during questionnaires just as people do for adderall and opiate scripts), then parade around screaming “you can’t make fun of me because I’m ____!”
Notice how all current “autistic” people aren’t Chris-Chan level autismos? They all just seem like numales, early 2000s weebs and other socially awkward kids? They want that diagnosis so bad, and in the end make the diagnosis feel fake, just like what has happened with anxiety disorders and ADD (both of which are real, but nowhere near as common as the current pool of diagnosed people would want you to believe). These are first world problems resulting from people having too much time on their hands and a cushy life. Everyone is “unique” now, except they are “unique” by following the “unique” crowds footsteps.