The entire thing is cultural based. You either allow, or even groom, your own flesh and blood to be trans or you deny it because it feels foolish.
This whole thing is basically a manufactured cultural debacle to act as a major distraction for how bad the country's conditions are, economically or otherwise.
Its introduced garbage that doesn't need to exist because gullible idiots like you look at 10,000 years of social evolutionary biology and say, "fuck that this feels more appropriate," like a bunch of drooling retards. Mostly because you, and others like you, are physiologically incapable of parsing information out of a group consensus. Basically, "group says X is good, so I won't question X because I need to fit into society."
You, and others like you, are ruled by a subconscious fear of death that is so strong it ultimately demands a near perfect adherence to strict social dogma.