>>21770670electrons are not one dimensional, they are't spherical, they have a spin dimension also.
you have to define the actual dimensions. its nonsense to talk about xyzt coordinates because there is no xyzt since relativity. what there is is:
1 - time (before and after)
2 - gravity (up and down)
3 - polar angle (tip and anti-tip)
4 - azimuth angle (clockwise and counter-clockwise))
two dimensions plus gravity either way, except that instead of needing a coordinate system to define relative positioning (which doesn't actually exist, there is no fixed reference frame), you dont need anything outside a two-particle system that can measure itself relative to each-other.
now that our dimensions are compatible with actual relativity, it is trivial to see that spheres are 1 dimensional objects (magintude and all 3/4 angles relative). same for hypersphere, with respect to relative times. this is just how one dimension objects manifest in our physical universe, as spheres, because there is no possible universal reference frame and all subatomic particles are spinning at near relativistic speeds (e=mc2).