Good morning edition
>Who is Betty? She was a freeloader who appeared on season one of Sam Hyde's internet reality show "Fishtank". She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19. >Poncho Poncho is her cat with a following all to his own We are inching closer to /bbg/ #100…
>be nice >it's free to be nice Prev:
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>>21780505 Betty suck my cock
The_Prick !!tY6LBVa1fAb
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Good morning simps. Hopefully all of you already did your Christmas shopping and giving a present to each of your immediate family members and friends, right?
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
Some people I had no idea what to buy them, so I just got some Amazon gift cards :/
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Throwback to thread number 2.
>>21781191 That’s perfectly okay
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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maybe i could remake that now that i understand how aspect ratios n stuff works. ps i have rejoined the fishtank alt groupchat discord (still banned from the regular one)
>>21782040 Good afternoon TF, how's your day been so far
>(still banned from the regular one) Would they ever let you back?
this guy is better than betty
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Boring day desu
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i changed it some >>21782050 things have been going really well it was a good day.
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oh and no i dont think they are ever gonna unban me you know how jannies are
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i hope betty likes the video i know its weird and cringe to make something like that probly gay too
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i just wanted her to feel better about the stupid lolcow video when it dropped thats why i made it so she would see there is plenty of beauty in the world and she is part of that not everything has to be dark and ugly
Had no idea Bitty had updated her Twitter bio. I don't check it often you see.
>>21782236 My shit got cancelled for “my protection” cashapp is acting like I sent a million dollars or something. I’m pissed
>>21782270 lol I literally set mine up to joke request $1 from Bliccy. None of my info matches at all. Still went through. I set my first name as Entree for gods sake. Jr. do you just have the worst bank?
>>21782287 I have Wells Fargo. I literally only sent 20 because I know she told me to get my DL before anything. I’m tried it again but this time added it to my cash balance first. Probably still won’t work
i dont have a twitter personally
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>>21782291 >Wells Fargo They're not the greatest but I can't really talk as my main bank is BofA. They're a shit show as well but I never have issues buying/sending dollarinos.
>>21782291 I know we talked about it before but was your bank account made under your parents account with limits? It's worth making an appointment to a brick & mortar & tell them you've been having issues with online purchases. If all else fails you can send her precious metals if she goes through with a PO box
>>21782819 Well I sent my sisters bf 2000 on cashapp for the car and that worked. It’s so dumb
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>>21782792 I'm not a big social media guy TF but if you want to keep up with all the fish there's no better option honestly.
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>>21782819 Jr you better not send her no pyrite! Real gold only!
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I do have another card from Idaho central credit union but i haven’t used it in so long so that would probably be even harder to make work
A few hours from now Jr's gonna be struggling to get them to accept photographs of $20 bills. Reading off serial numbers to customer support.
>>21782917 Well I did talk to them and this is what they said. This isn’t just a Betty thing this always used to happen to me with Amazon too it’s so annoying
i made betty presents all year and she didnt want any of them. i understand she has to be careful of people sending anthrax with cum on it and stuff but im proven myself trustworthy by now. it just wouldnt be right to send money im too poor also she didnt get me anything just saying.
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>>21782933 Oh it said if the same payment is made again it’ll be auto cancelled. Maybe my retry should’ve been 19 or 21 lmao. Oh well I’ll get it figured out eventually
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I just remembered to request money from Bliccy but I got this message. The fun's over!
>>21782937 >she didnt get me anything That's where you're wrong dear TF, she's given us the gift of her presence and brought us together as a community. That's a gift worth more than money.
>>21782937 She gifts us with her prescence, is that not a gift in of itself
>>21782964 >>21782967 I like how we're always on the same wavelength, my friend
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>>21782967 we are simpatico Letty anon
>>21782975 Great minds!
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no its christmas so thats not enough im sorry
My brother is literally about to arrive In like 40 seconds. I get to see him for Christmas
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>>21783104 And on Christmas Day I’m coming into bbg and telling everyone merry Christmas and that I love them and nothing can stop me
>>21783104 That's nice, is this brother a cool one
>>21783121 In most people’s eyes he’d been seen as “cooler” than I am. He’s jr jr but dosent really look like me or like the same things I like
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>>21783126 I look more like my sister and my sister and I and my dad all have this same mark on our ear. So I made up a joke that my brother was adopted. Also another more cruel joke that he was the son of my stepmom. I said that joke to my mom one time and she got pissed
ive made like over 30 glass sculptures for betty since march i doubt she would even spend money if i sent it to her she might even dox me for trying. you guys just dont understand how it is for me you never will..
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>>21783188 Maybe but isn't every day a fresh start
>>21783188 Then don’t send her money nobody is forcing you to man
The_Prick !!tY6LBVa1fAb
>>21783188 severe mental illness. Have you died doing stuff for yourself instead of some lolcow that will never like you/interact with you?
Me and that girl are starting to text less. This always happens. The first day is great and then the conversations start to get dry. There’s nothing to talk about. What should I do?
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>>21783197 yeah how do you think i learned to do it in the first place duh
>>21783196 im not sending her money that wouldnt be thoughtful and takes the spirit and love away from it anyways. then its just some weird transactional thing where im trying to buy attention because i was rejected for doing nice thoughtful things. it would just be really weird i dont think my soul could sit right with it.
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>>21783237 Yeah that’s why I’m saying don’t. It doesn’t feel that way for me so I did, or I tried to. We can all coexist peacefully and have different opinions. Or something like that idk
The_Prick !!tY6LBVa1fAb
Imagine spending money on people you'll never ever gonna meet, couldn't be me
its different for you and will be for most people im arguing with myself more than anything
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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>>21783261 >arguing with myself more than anything I see that as good progress that you’re aware of that. I argue with myself sometimes too. Not online but in my head. It feels frustrating. Are you still seeing a therapist I forgot?
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when you making art for someone they didnt ask for this is a risk you take especially if you dont really know them
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no i dont want to see one
Doesn't she know cashapp is available only in US and UK? Has she forgotten an older factoid that all her fans are from India?
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
Marvel wants to hire Ari Calling it now Black Cat, Dazzler or Emma Frost
>>21783218 Imagine I pick her up for a date and this is the first song I play in the car. I wouldn’t do that but just imagine.
Sooooooooooooo anxioussssssss
>>21783285 Dazzler is a safe bet
>>21783288 I was driving a lady friend home once and the song "Me and My Bitch" came on on the playlist. She got real silent, and I did not skip the track. She sent me a passive aggressive Facebook post after dropping her off. I'm on the 1's and 2's when i'm driving! Anonymous
>>21783309 lol What was the post? What does 1,s and 2,s mean?
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Sam Hyde rapes kids.
>>21783312 It's the second definition. Basically I drive, I DJ. Oh this was years ago but it was some shit about denigrating women in popular media. She used to spell women as "womyn".
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>>21783322 Oh probably because it uses the word bitch. But with rappers it’s just another word for woman. My cousin will say bitch in the nicest way ever he’ll post
Or say something like “I love my bitch so much it’s me and you till the grave” “spent 300 dollars for Christmas on my bitch cuz she worth it” (300 dollar thing is true, he pulled out his first paycheck early)
Betty sure looks beat these days
>>21783943 Wtf even is that? Parasite? Really thin poo?
>>21783956 It is for catching fish Incase you run out of bait just take clothes off and spread your legs in the water
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>>21783959 Jesus fucking christ it's attached to the vulva... why doesn't she surgically remove it?
>>21783959 Me personally I think she is beautiful and I would nibble her vagina skin tag or whatever it is in a heart beat
>>21783967 A femoid has horrible tentacle on her vagina, moids worship it
A man has any other than nigger-tier monster bull cock, femoids don't even give a glance
Why is the world so unfair bros
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>>21784565 Girls aren't actually all that picky about cocks. Mine is pretty average and they still like it.
Sam Hyde
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I rape kids. Also, Stop being simps you disgusting subhuman niggers.
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bbg wants me to go to therapy for what is mostly theatrical comedy i do for entertainment. none of them know the real reason i need therapy and wouldnt care whether i got it or not. to them its just a means of getting rid of me any way they can. i dont need therapy because i cant give betty money for christmas but they will imply this to be spiteful.
i had considered giving her my entire christmas bonus and argued with myself about it most of the night. it would be wrong. its basically findom atp. often i am reminded of peoples true colors this is a game to everyone and they dont actually care about other people.
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She better not post here again I'm watching you Betty
>>21785021 You considered giving your bonus to this vagina tentacle monster? Snap out of it
>>21785028 no i considered giving it to betty because she acts mad at me all the time but i had to talk myself out of it.
if you have to buy someone to care about you somethings really wrong and they probably dont see you as a person.
then i have people who care even less telling me to go to therapy to be manipulative because they think its funny to watch peoples lives go down the drain. to them all that matters is i shut up so they can keep all the attention about them and the flow of donations they are sending. its just really dark all around. merry xmas
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If I see Betty post one more time on here or /tv/ I will spam her friends and families with her lewds and nudes schizo ex bf Jeremy style. Go ahead. Start flapping those lips again. See what happens.
>>21785038 Dunno what the fuck is going on for you and your situation but make logical choices(which is obviously to stop simping and taking care of yourself)
>>21785056 maybe its just a bad reaction to new meds.
only an unbiased 3rd party could really make that call maybe? if you ask people here they will tell you im a bad guy that deserves it for trying to DM betty and i need to pay a therapist to fix me so i dont post anymore and stop caring about her.
in the real world though i might need therapy for anger management which is pretty unrelated to all this. no one actually cares though its a loaded insult and nothing more.
>>21785067 How about you just end engaging with whatever drama this is and start focusing on your life? You don't need to interact with this betty foid or others who condemn you
I had REAL hot chocolate next to a REAL fire because it's REAL cold and it was TERRIFYING
>>21785186 You’re one of my favorite people here. Every time I see I post like this in the morning it’s a good way to start my day.
also if betty lets you reply guy her twitter and spam her twitch chat why then do you still come to the only place for those of us who cant do these things and try to drown out others posts with stuff about yourself
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>>21785246 how is this any different than what januki and the axis discord was doing?
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>>21785075 i have been but im still very disappointed in everyone and i dont see why i shouldnt speak my truth and how i feel
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i dont like to see my fav band sell out either but at some point i guess you have to accept when people show their true colors
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people just dont care how they make others feel anymore. they will support gaslighting or other behaviors that might lead someone to depression or self harm and laugh about it because its just a joke when its someone else but thats how you end up with a girl who likes gore and cutting herself in her room slamming handles of vodka everynight. i liked the girl painting pictures and gardening personally. i need therapy though
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Betty will be streaming around 8-9pm today after church!
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im just in a bad mood and having bad reactions probably. just ignore it
The_Prick !!tY6LBVa1fAb
Good morning, freaks
>>21783284 What's up, Uncle Barry? Looking forward to the Holiday cheers?
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I offloaded the cashapp app last night and redownloaded it which people said can work. It should work now if Betty accepts it but if this keeps happening with other stuff I’m having a SERIOUS CHAT with my bank because this is some bullshit. I wonder if the stream will have a Christmas theme
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TF you should give yourself a gift today. Get some ice cream or really good food.
>>21785211 Aww I'm glad to hear that. I hope it's going well for you.
We must save Betty from her doordash
She is too delicate for such undignified work... Anonymous
>>21785568 That’s what I’m saying. My things still pending. She’ll probably check it eventually though
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>>21785570 Or I’m not saying she’s too delicate. like she’s strong enough to handle anything but she shouldn’t have to work a job where she’s getting robbed
Capitalism will be destroyed & TPTB will pay for creating a system where we have to work
>>21785568 I've done it
It's not that bad
Just don't carry cash around like a retard
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>>21785211 >>21785246 >>21785568 >>21785598 >>21786368 Why does Sam Hyde pay you to pretend to care about Betty?
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loneliness and mental illness personally ps i did the unthinkable
>>21786677 >ps i did the unthinkable How much, Mr. TF
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>>21786677 >>21786681 Samefag. Same Hyde is a Freemason.
too much shes spoiled desu
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>>21786700 >she’s spoiled She’s not but even if she is good. Just don’t go overboard with it. I personally think skull should put his disability check to good use and pay reparations for how much of an asshole he was. Did yours go through btw? Mines still pending
im guessing its pending because its the weekend and the bank will clear it when someone shows up for work. it really wasnt that much its just a lot for me because i have to mix concrete and other stupid things for money. i wanted to give her something for xmas but all i can give is money and ive made so many things for her its almost meaningless at this point especially if she cant ever accept any of them. it made me feel better i dont want to think too much about it anymore hopefully shes not still a hater of mine thats the only part that would really make me feel stupid.
You're overthinking it TF. It's the holidays. Santa's birthday. We give because it's the season for giving and we live with the reminder that we can't take it with us.
Betty will be streaming much earlier, 5:30 p.m. US EST instead of 8-9 like she said earlier
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yes i am experiencing mania from medication they want me to try out
Betty is live, and she seems like she's in a good mood! I think that she changed her lighting so it looks better. Makeup looks good too, but she's noticeably thinner in the face now, I hope that she can start eating more.
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66 viewers and counting, atta go Bitty
>>21787642 May she end up enjoying the whopper and ordering more. Architect time might be upon us
Betty is doing well, but I think that I just missed something I think Mizzy said something mean about Betty
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>>21787672 Mizzy is trying to cozy up to production also kind of a bitch
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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>>21787672 Mizzy looks like she needs a good whipping to increase fertility
Betty ate a massive vegan burger, like the size of her head
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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>>21787769 Good, hopefully this is the start of the weight gain arc.
We need weekly weigh ins.
And eventually.
Twerk videos.
I'm warming up to Ariel again.
Did she do awesome on the test
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>>21787769 Wow I bet her butt really stinks rn
>>21787546 >>21787561 >>21787564 >>21787792 Hey samefag. Why do /bant/ mods allow you to VPN hop? Sam is paying /bant/ mods like he is /tv/ mods, right?
>>21787802 Are you mad you're not getting a MDE Christmas bonus?
>>21787805 Oh, hi CryoKeen! Are you still made you're a fat loser who will never breed, and a Freemason tranny fucker pays you to post on 4chan because you have no skills to contribute to society?
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>>21787809 I're not wrong
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>>21787805 >>21787809 what kind of thread is this?
>Betty talking about how she was watching season three because she thought Luke was cute, and was really upset when he got kicked >while slurping loudly on a lollipop this is getting a little lewd
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>>21787815 It's pretty weird she associates with Sam, but she's a pedophile so who cares anyways.
Bettys contacts reminding me of Damiel frfr
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
Mizzy is a no go. Stand back & stand by
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>>21788154 Nevermind, call it off
>>21788154 Damn she looks rough these days what happened
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>>21788167 Robbed by a nigger over some dam chicken wings and cornbread.
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>I DON'T HATE YOU I'M SORRY haha I JUST GOT PROTECTIVE OF LETTY Mizzy came into Betty's chat, and they reconciled! False alarm, they like each other still
>I DON'T HATE YOU I'M SORRY haha I JUST GOT PROTECTIVE OF LETTY false alarm, Betty and Mizzy are cool with each other again
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how do i get invited into the circle? ive tried everything fanfics mixtapes songs poetry sculptures.. it feels so hopeless im always gonna be an outcast i cant imagine any world where betty doesnt like me
Betty's stream is ending, and either BinxKnight, or someone claiming to be him, gifted Betty a bunch of Twitch subscribers. She had a great stream
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>>21788208 *life is so bitsy
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>>21788208 Life is so mizzy
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
>>21788204 Ariel is hitting the wall and the braces just aren't helping
>>21788204 Wow she looks cracked out
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
>>21788208 Go see Wicked in theaters, Tree Man
Get some shrooms and take 0.6g to 1.2g on an empty stomach right as the first song starts to be sung
>>21788251 It's been a handful of years since i took shrooms. Liberty caps and APEs are what i would take. I also liked doing the lemon tek. Took 3g around Christmas and went to look at the lights. Nice times were had, i should grow them
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>>21787830 >>21788147 >>21788181 >>21788255 hey samefag
>>21788204 It's MDE, the same people paying people to pretend to care about her in these threads. Like how Sam pays for his own superchats or is 100% of Josie's donos.
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
>>21788255 >3g with Christmas lights Sounds intense
I've only taken 2.5g at most and had a bad trip, been nervous to go beyond 1.5 for a while now
Some military dude on Counter Strike said to take the full 3.5g and dive in
If it becomes legal here in California, I'd start a small patch out back
It's only legal in a handful of counties right now
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>>21788249 Nah she looks great.
>>21788272 Took a full 5g one time and it turned into a bad trip. Not so much it being scary but it made me go too much into my head, i entered a full blown negative feedback loop & it would take a lot of my will to snap out of it then it turned very...mechanical or robotic, like how people would describe machine elves while on DMT. These robotic voices/beings would talk to me but i couldn't make out anything. They felt like a malevolent prescence as if they were mad at me over something. I've been nervous since then but it's always worth another shot
>It's only legal in a handful of counties right now The spores are a legal grey area it's not until you try to inoculate when it becomes illegal but you're probably set on an outdoor grow right?
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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>>21788384 Outdoors but not in soil in order to avoid other mushrooms popping up in the mix
Probably go with the 5 gallon bucket method when I can legally do so
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im not taking friggen mushrooms just because betty doesnt like me stop it
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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A voice calls your name upon the wind You're unsure where the voice is coming from You roll a 4 out of 20 You're unsure of the origin of the voice and begin to grow nervous
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and betty isnt hitting the wall she is more beautiful everyday when i see her i cant even say anything
>>21785446 Finally got around setting up and testing a script for streamlink to grab Twitch streams automatically
I'll leave it running 24/7 on a really cheap used laptop
This might come in handy in the future
I haven't really cared for any holidays and celebrations in years. It's all commercialized bullshit anyway
Enjoy your holidays while you can I guess
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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Alright, bringing my wife to go see Wicked Happy Sunday, /bbg/
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>>21788249 >>21788244 Betty looked great this evening, she just got really thin again recently due to being unable to eat solid food for weeks.
Poor Betty can't be more than 95 lbs
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I can’t believe she thinks she looked ugly on Fishtank
Betty if she was brown but actually hot
The_Prick !!tY6LBVa1fAb
Based on the stream, looks like she moved back to her old place. Also why does she still have Sam and Fishtank still in her head after she burned bridges with everyone?
>TF giving her money despite she doesn't like him Findom cuck mentality
>>21788154 Mizzy is leagues way better than Betty in a lot of ways, no contest
>>21788464 >>TF giving her money despite she doesn't like him >Findom cuck mentality you bring up a good point but consider the following:
6 months ago betty was going to file a police report on me for stuff someone else did, said i was gay and i look like a horse.
she also wouldnt say anything to me except stuff like "tf is still crying in the thread its been 3 weeks!"
now she acknowledges i exist at least and that im not anyone else but myself or responsible for the actions of anyone but my own. she also doesnt make fun of me as much i guess.
she even let me be unblocked on twitter for like a whole month and im not banned from twitch.
all things considered progress is being made and i wont give up hope just yet. thats a long way to come and ive been through a lot in the process. lots of bullies too so you arent special
ill be ok if she doesnt ever like me too thats just life. its sad you would try to dump on me over my christmas present when i have no one to even spend my holidays with.
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>>21788484 You have us to spend it with, surely you don't dislike all of us
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i dont dislike anyone if they arent mean to me im a very loving person even if i have trouble expressing it properly.
The_Prick !!tY6LBVa1fAb
>>21788472 All things considered is she still will never ever fuck you, let alone touch you or see her personally. Reason why she hasn't banned you from twitch is the same reason why Skull isn't banned either, to see if you give her money. You might be improving but eventually you're gonna crash out harder than before, like how you say you won't come back here but a few hours later you're back to regular posting. There's a reason why the official /ftl/cord, the /fagc/cord, and the aftlcord knows youre a laughingstock. And the inner circle is also like that too + they already have your personal info to leak in case you go full deject
>>21788484 That's depressing, go spend time with your family, bond with your father more.
This was Betty's first fishtank-related stream in many months. I think that she should do these at least every Christmas time, depending of course on schedule. Nostalgia is good sometimes and watching Mizzy react to the insanity of S1 was fun. TF the best thing you can do is be normal and follow all relevant medical advice from your doctor.
>>21788411 >"server_ads": true, >"show_ads": true, Let me know if you have any issues with that? My old version of the script I wrote had those two options enabled and it resulted in two of the recorded streams playing about 1.05x too fast with a higher pitch to Betty's voice. I had to set these to false and login via streamlink to fix it. I think it fixed it at least.
>>21788459 Is there a slight yellow hue to her skin? I noticed it in Binx, now in Jenna Ortega, and even myself recently... hmmm.
>>21788464 I like Mizzy but i've yet to tune into a stream where she isn't eating fast food at around 2 AM. She's pathological about it.
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>>21788503 Can’t believe I missed such a beautiful bitty clip when first watching that episode. I think I had a low attention span and skipped through it a little
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
Sitting passenger I think I just passed Bill Gates on 152 lel Couldn’t snap a picture in time
>>21788547 Someone should tell him to stop charging people to play Xbox online
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>>21788500 the future is never certain.
there is a naive boy in my heart who will keep trying until she very clearly tells me no there is no chance ever in a million years i will even like you as a friend. until then i have to keep trying. i posted my own dox itt before also just to prove theres nothing hanging over my head as some sort of threat. i leak my own DMs too. me not being a seether is ultimately because i've decided not to from a place of love and forgiveness and trying to better understand why i would make someone feel that way. its the best i can do.
>>21788585 I think if you did a tarot reading on her it would say that she wants you to find a woman who’s right for you. And when she interacts with you it sometimes causes you pain so she doesn’t interact that much because she doesn’t want to see you in pain. She said the other day that’s a cool pic or something along those lines. She wants to get along with you just not date you.
TF I can’t stand to see you suffer any longer. You have to see things clearly.
>>21788595 im not really into tarot desu i just do it as a gag because betty did it so it doesnt really bother me like you think it does.
we've come a long way im not giving up hope no matter how much people tell me to.
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betty has wards blocking pulling cards on her anyways but lately when she does appear its always as the king of pentacles so im getting that she is very focused on her money come up right now. you never know one day she might wake up and think im really cute and sweet and she calls me up for the big bitty date night possibly at disney world. i am manifesting this.
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>>21788626 >giving up hope Why is it giving up hope?
Think about it like this, right now you’re not dating Betty. And you are causing yourself pain by wanting to.
Now, if you were to do what you call “giving up hope” and let go the whole dating Betty thing everything would stay the same as it is right now AND you would probably feel less pain.
I won’t try to convince you of this the whole night just sit and think about what I said. I’m not some all knowing philosopher either but I’m sure many would agree with my post.
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but ill make you haters a deal. when the perfect woman whos right for me comes into my life and wants to go on a date i will give up on betty and say goodbye. so if you want me to give up on her you have to wish for me to get a girlfriend, sorry its the only way. i dont make the rules
that pain is the drive to grow and become the better person i need to be to even have a girl like her. you simply dont understand. its completely natural to want to date girls regardless if they are a micro celebrity or recovering edgelord.
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Interesting. I've always found spite to be the bigger motivator. Happy Holidays TF!
>>21788649 >its completely natural to want to date girls regardless if they are a micro celebrity or recovering edgelord. I sort of agree I would just word it a little different. My attracted to Betty and I think that’s natural. I mean it’s not really a choice it’s just what my eyes like.
>I've always found spite to be the bigger motivator. It doesn’t work for me idk why. If I’m working out or something I need to be thinking positive. If one negative thought comes into my head mid push up my arms give out lol. Idk if that’s what you mean though.
>happy holidays Every time a customer says that my brain breaks. Are they saying it to make sure they don’t offend me? Or will it offend them if I say merry Christmas? I always stutter because it catches me off guard
>>21788512 I ran into this problem when using yt-dlp
So I switched to streamlink with the --twitch-disable-ads parameter like a year ago
Problem is that Twitch ads have 44.1kHz AAC audio and Betty uses 48kHz AAC
When ffmpeg tries to "fix" the file, it corrupts it
I'll rather lose first couple of minutes of the stream than fuck around with Twitch API and feeding streamlink a valid session token
>>21788512 >>21788756 Weird, i had that higher pitch & audio pausing every couple of seconds issue but it fixed itself randomly one day using yt-dlp too. No problems since
>>21788716 >I need to be thinking positive That's actually pretty rare. I think there's a special mindset someone needs to have to get into working out/body building in general. As activities go it's pretty miserable. You lift heavy things, or run to the point of exhaustion, feeling breathless, tired, hurt the entire time. Then you couple that with calorie restrictions, meal timing, food selection/restriction, etc. Maintaining a positive mindset the whole time just seems extra difficult. Instead, workout to show up Mary who wouldn't go to the school dance with you in the 5th grade! She don't know what she missed out on!
>make sure they don’t offend me? It's about inclusion yeah. They don't know, maybe you celebrate Hanukkah or the winter solstice?
>>21788756 >When ffmpeg tries to "fix" the file, it corrupts it Interesting. I usually just have ffmpeg do a direct stream copy from streamlink stdout. To try to make sure it never happens again i've set it to start re-encoding the audio to Youtube stream standards.
>>21788769 It only ever happens on Twitch I've noticed. Reading some posts it apparently has something to do with Twitch low latency streaming or something? No clue as the previous couple of streams have been okay.
>>21788769 Twitch serves an ad for affiliated streamers at the start only when you try to grab the stream when it's live
I still use yt-dlp to grab the entire stream after it ends since Twitch doesn't serve ads when watching the VODs
>>21788787 well its kind of the same thing we are talking about except i dont want to be mad at betty for not being interested just let it motivate me.
shes done a lot to help me out of a very big rut in my life after covid where i had just completely given up on my health finances and future.
maybe she was mean about it at times but everything kind of worked out to getting me back on the right path and im thankful to her for that.
a lot of synchronicity had to line up in the universe for this to happen
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>>21788837 Right on TF! It’s all about perspective. Today when I went into work my bike seat was wet from the rain so it looked like I shit my pants or something. So you’d think I’d be upset but the more I thought about it it was kind of funny so I started work in a better mood than usual.
>>21788856 I swear almost everyday I’ll be in the middle of ringing someone up and I think about some post from here and i literally laugh and they probably think I’m a psychopath or that I’m making fun of them.
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>>21788863 Oh my god I almost laughed the other day so I have this team leader or something and she has a very noticeable lisp so she always talks weird which is fine but one of my coworkers was asking her a question and he had a cold or something because his voice sounded a little sick and she said “why are you talking like that?” It’s just ironic coming from her so I almost laughed but I kept it in
the way I got around the ads with streamlink was getting the browser cookies and inserting the proper token into the script as described in the image
the amount of stuff I've learned as a nontechnical hobbyist just so I can make fishtank clips is a bit silly lol Anonymous
I do think Betty and Binx would make for a good interview/collab. They can bond over their shared vegan diet and Latina roots.
>>21788863 Same. As of late I been thinkin about "she got wooden legs and real feet" - TF.
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hey thats a steven wright bit i cant take credit for that im sorry now i feel ashamed
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Wow the Betty thread really picks up when I start talking about Sam Hyde being a Freemason or him paying people to post on 4chan about his girls.
>>21788880 Thanks for the advice, how much does Sam Pay you?
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Sam Hyde literally paying people to post about Betty and force Fishtank into a cult because he has never had a successful project.
He's very Jewish though. That is obvious.
>>21788840 >>21788794 >>21788787 >>21788756 How much does it cost Sam for your VPNs?
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The term "bro whisperer" just crossed my desk and now I am laffin
>>21788871 Oh, I recognize that screenshot
Did you get the script that spams an attempt to grab a stream every 15 seconds or the one that actually uses Twitch API to know when the streamer goes live?
Also, I use streamlink parameter --retry-streams 180, so once every 3 minutes, because I read somewhere that making the requests too often will basically be detected as DDOS attack by Twitch and break your shit
He gives me something better than money. He lets me join the club. You wouldn't understand.
Canada is in turmoil The government leaders are killing each other in the syrup arenas They're rounding up undesirables and feeding them to the royal geese Grocery stores have shut down and breakfast lunch and dinners are daily rationed hot dogs with bread as buns Oh it's terrible
>>21788910 This is what I use, I chose it because I like Python and Windows >Also, I use streamlink parameter --retry-streams 180, so once every 3 minutes, because I read somewhere that making the requests too often will basically be detected as DDOS attack by Twitch and break your shit That is prudent, I would have set my script to something similar except that the author recommends a five second (!) interval.
I have not had any problems so far, but maybe later I will adjust it out of an abundance of caution.
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>>21790201 d(^.^)b
>This is what I use I was also considering that one from github, already got python set up and everything
Then I found a dead simple power shell script that just works
I changed it to check for a stream every 30 seconds, so with a 15s Twitch add, I would lose less than a minute of the very beginning of the live stream, which is fine
>I have not had any problems so far Good to know. People on the Internet can be full of shit sometimes, but 5s recheck rate does seem a bit of an overkill lol
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>>21790239 Yea we know she smokes them she's a crack head
>I may have to go to the store this afternoon to pick up some last-minute things for Christmas dinner it's going to be rough Christmas shoppers can be vicious
>>21793294 And they get so mad when they can’t have a tiny extra discount. We have some rule where you can’t use a gift card and then also use this other discount thing and she got so pissed and said the classic line: “I’m gonna be shopping at [rival store] from now on” “because fuck that” she was so mad she didn’t say anything and walked off without her gift receipts.
>>21793306 The system literally dosent let you apply the extra discount btw. I’m usually on the side of the people. Sometimes if people are nice I don’t charge them for bags etc..
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The only thing I need to buy is a Santa hat.
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
Tonight my wife and I are hosting her coworkers for a Christmas pajama party Tonight I shall have 8 Latinas in my house for dinner wearing pajamas Most of them hot Everyone my wife works are Latinas in their 20's, 30's and 40's I probably shouldn't fuck this up for my wife Yet the urge to pull out my camera phone, hold up a tooth brush and ask which dentist or hygienist wants to brush my teeth remains ever present
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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>>21788552 >people are still paying subs for LIVE All they had to do was build a PC and get on Steam
Absolute scrubs
It looked like him but why would Bill be driving across 152 and not be having someone drive him
Let alone flying
Looked like him though
>>21793309 JT I better get my employee + loyalty customer discount if I shop at your store. I will get loud and demand to speak with a manager.
>>21793593 I know a trick with self checkout that my friends older brother taught me. You get a cheap barcode of something and tape it to your wrist. Then you go to scan the expensive item but scan the one on your wrist so it still makes a beep but is cheaper. As long as they don’t check your receipt it’s genius
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>>21793622 And that would be stealing but from a big rich ass company. Stealing from doordashers is still not okay
>>21793664 I forgot they have scales that weigh the stuff though.
Unrelated but I managed to get a picture of my cousins bed. He sleeps on this. This isn’t even as bad as usual because my dad just cleaned it for him not that long ago. This is the type of room I have to live in.
That’s just the bed. You can’t even see the floor. My dad and stepmom basically told me that they gave up on trying to get him to listen because he is incapable on listening so that’s why he gets away with more.
>>21793682 I sleep next to his bed but I don’t have a bed frame it’s just a memory foam pad and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve woken up with food or liquid spilt on my bed
>>21793686 Omg what perfect timing. I go to the bathroom just now and I somehow have a fruit gusher or some shit stuck to me just from being in that room
did /ftl/ get kicked out of /tv/ for good or are niggas just not baking
>>21780505 Men like you that prop up worthless whores are the major reason why society is the way it is
>>21793682 Well the good news is you have experience in how you NOT want to live, and that you know you deserve better.
Just keep working towards a better future and it will come.
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>>21793706 Thank you. If he actually moves out in January I’ll have space to start working out. I want big boy arms. His gfs 18th bday is in early January I think which is when she’s getting kicked out so we’ll know soon. He hasn’t started looking for places yet though.
>>21793704 >Men like you that prop up worthless whores Like me propping up your mum with a hydraulic car jack last night
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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My parents gifted me a wooden table set with chairs but we didn't have time to get it Plastic chairs are how those in the future will remember our era anyway lel
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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Decor style: Danish Pastel meets Cottagecore
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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Eye spy with my little eye: An item purchased from Chamonix House
chat is betty built for bbc?
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
>>21793664 Brings me right back
Her back catalog isn't that great but she has a good few songs that are worthy of constant replay despite never having been played on the radioo
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>>21788910 >>21788923 >>21789888 >>21793554 >>21793697 >>21794194 >>21794258 Yawn. Sam Hyde is a Freemason and hires people to pretend to care about the egirls he's trying to pimp online.
Took a shit at work. Just realized there’s zero toilet paper. What the fuck do I do
>>21794870 Well after 18 years I can officially say that I have wiped my ass with toilet seat covers
>>21794875 I’m glad they were out of tampons too because that was my first thought before I saw the toilet seat covers and that would’ve been even worse
>>21794870 >>21794875 >>21794881 Dear God that is a nightmare situation. also I hope you whipe back to front all over that seat
>>21794884 If you wipe back to front it’ll go on your balls
I highly recommend this video it’s long but it’s very funny Anonymous
>>21794885 this is a good video so far anon, thank you
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>>21794904 It gets so funny. It’s the way he talks. He talks about how different races wipe and then he like “let’s take a look at some more racial shit” and rips to the next paper.
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The internet is a magical place
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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>>21793897 highly doubt that. She doesn't go for drooling retards
Did u watch wicked yet cloudsprout what did u think of it Ur girl Ariana looked pretty qt I guess that's what they call 'movie magic'
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Goooooooooooood morning. I can't think of anything I'm looking forward to. Banshees of Inisherin and Better Call Saul were the last two new things I really loved and would consider great. I still have a massive backlog of films so it's not a big deal, but it's still a bit unfortunate that there's nothing coming out. Well there's always little niche films coming out I stumble on and like, but television is an absolute wasteland.
Good morning and a happy Christmas Eve to all
And one for my nigga Ponch, may he and the other lil felines get many treats
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Is it too much to ask Betty to do a photoshoot like this?
>>21796014 >>21796035 Good morning and Merry Christmas Eve!
Hold on I want you guys to see my sisters cat from when I went to work Idaho I’m gonna try and find the video
Betty posted a photo, she's wearing a cute dress!
We should wish her a merry Christmas Anonymous
>>21796305 >cute dress! Right? She has the cute shoes on too
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>>21796310 I will always love girls in skirts, there’s so many different cute types of skirts. I think it’s a skirt not a dress or maybe I’m wrong idk
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
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I had my first four way last night
Two of my wife's coworkers stayed late
The ones with the BBLs
There is a God
And you too will be blessed if you listen to me because I listen to God
>>21795572 As for Ari in Wicked, she's an extremely complex character
On the surface you have what many assume to be a ditzy, fashion lover
However, what's going on below the surface is far more conflicting
Through out the earlier half of the film, Glinda frequently mocks Elphie and is the bane of her negative lived experience
She's not a fascist as the film paints her to be but rather a deeply caring and changed person by the end of it
> Also
Every time the film starts and she makes the announcement, "The wicked witch is dead! Yes! The wicked witch is dead!"
Tears form in my eyes and I haven't even consumed the shrooms yet
It's all so anti-elite and anti-secret society
It has a beautiful message
This film must be watched in theaters
The only other film that I've claimed this about was Dunkirk for the intro when the English kid is running away from German artillery and gun fire
Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
Chubby girl at my work I was talking about wearing a sort of Christmas outfit today, so pretty. Idk if it’s weird to say that on here but I’m just saying. My work is giving out presents to us, one of the managers came to me with a bag and I pulled out a water bottle with our logo on it. Makes me feel like I’m in 3rd grade again getting gifts from the teacher. Warms the heart
>>21796990 You should ask her to peg u
>>21797100 I think that would be sexual harassment. She’s just nice to look at sometimes but I don’t look at her sexually
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>>21797113 You should give chubby girl backshots at the very least. It's Christmas eve go spread the joy, worst she can say is no
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>>21796310 >>21796305 >>21796990 >>21797160 Why does Sam Hyde the Freemason pay you to VPN hop and pretend to care about Betty?
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>>21797160 You are not wishing anyone a merry Christmas because you are paid to be here. You are fundamentally dishonest, like all Freemason child rapists.
Dang is it the holiday or are you guys shifting your schedule around when I post? Guess I'll have to start mixing it up. Freemasons are willing to harass and lie about me for 2 years, threaten to kill me, but then ghost me and beg people to block me when I start posting. No dedication! Oh well, Sam Hyde and his buddies can rape some more kids in the meantime.
>>21797160 I used to watch Aussie rules football with a bunch of Australians when my insomnia was real bad. I'd get drunk and talk mad shit about the Perth team (The eagles if memory serves) not knowing a single thing about how the game is played or any of the rules really. Miss those guys. Merry Christmas!
>>21797627 Imagine having hate in your heart today of all days, Santas Birthday, couldn't be me.
>>21797640 >guy who's paid by Freemason child rapists is moralfagging LMAO. Moralfag more while you harass me in real life, threaten me, sabotage me, and lie about me online. Freemason child rapist faggot.
I would gladly pull the lever on any legally sentenced Freemason, their wife, or children for treason, any day of the year. I will never feel sorry for anything bad happening to child rapist Freemasons, their employees, wives, or children.
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Passing on your genes is a symbol of your pro-social success in society. The United Healthcare CEO was assassinated for his anti-social murder of hundreds of thousands for personal profit. The assassin didn't go far enough. He should not be allowed to pass on his genes. His wives and children should be sentenced, legally, for the homicides he committed. Brian Thompson killed thousands of wives and children for profit. Why are his wive and kids protected? Because he paid his taxes? Luigi didn't do it though. Eyebrows don't match. You can rape kids and will get re-employed at another elementary school, but shoot a CEO and suddenly everyone is bending over backwards to get you the death penalty. For someone who killed people for profit.
>>21797647 >threaten me I'm gonna send so many gay guys to your RV.
>>21797659 IDK what kind of deflection you're trying but it's confusing. The archives are permanent LMAO.
>>21797665 >The archives are permanent LMAO. Not if me and the rest of my Jew cohorts just buy the archives. Where will you be then huh smart guy?
Can you tell me why Jews like Sam Hyde rape kids and suck bloody baby penises?
>>21797665 >>21797665 Anonymous
>>21797675 if you're just going to point out uncomfortable truths I'm gonna go back to ignoring my family and drinking in secret.
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>>21797681 Jews really are incapable of honesty. The only thing they are capable of is projectiion. The worst thing they can say is you're Jewish.
Betty looks great here, quite a contrast with her stream the other night where she had blue contacts and white lighting.
I like it when she lets her Italian/Sephardic side show Andrew Ayala !!9fN8lBEvNZJ
>>21797707 >I like it when she lets her Italian/Sephardic side show Agreed. She's got beautiful brown eyes and an incredibly symmetrical face. No changes needed. Manifesting a gorgeous golden brown Betty in 2025.
>>21797707 >>21797755 Absolutely gorgeous.
I’ve had a great night idk about yall
>>21797707 >>21797715 >>21797755 >>21797758 Why does Sam Hyde pay you to VPN hop on 4chan?
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>paid by a freemason child rapist >simp for a retard on 4chan >VPN hop so she thinks she has fans Seriously what's the point of life CryoKeen? I'm starting to think it was you who pissed your diaper when I pointed out Ben is a loser who fucked up is life, because you're the same as him. Will never have a family or kids, so you're paid to lie to retarded women on 4chan.
>>21797758 Hey Jr, glad to hear it. Same actually. I didn't know that celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve was a thing mostly Latinos do. It took a Bliccy shit post to get me to realize it wasn't normal. Maybe it's a Catholic thing? I dunno.
>>21797763 Shut up man. I've sobered up and I no longer wish to engage with you.
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>>21797769 You're a Jewish VPN hopper who's paid to be here and thus incapable of engaging with honest criticism.
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>>21797758 >>21797769 Samefag VPN hopper paid to be here by Sam Hyde, the Freemason, who rapes kids like Charls Carrol and Nick Rochefort.
The_Prick !!tY6LBVa1fAb
treefingers !!dWvfgolRU+m
i want to apologize for everything thats happened this past year. for ruining the threads with my bipolar mess and killing the vibe all the time. thank you to the regulars here who were nice to me even though you didnt have to be. merry christmas
Merry Christmas bbg
I hope you all have a good day
Remember, you're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on
>>21798116 Many great tidings in the new year TF
i try to get a pretty picture for you guys
Merry Christmas bbg. I love you all so much
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>>21798561 >>21798175 >>21798186 >>21798116 >>21797976 CryoKeen why does Sam Hyde pay you to VPN hop on 4chan?
Why don't you feel bad lying to retarded egirls making them think they have a community, while slandering people online?
Oh yeah you're Jewish and don't feel bad about participating I'm gangstalking.
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*in gangstalking Lol. Cryokeen you made a mistake associating yourself with Freemasonry. 2 more weeks and then you hear the real secret about Boaz and jachin! Retarded fuck
sam doesnt pay me i actually started out just trying to be funny and argue with haters/seethers in discord when they would talk mean about girls and repost their stuff making fun of it but then i accidentally fell for betty and when she realized i was retarded and it was funny to bully me then here we are. i still like her a lot but i think she is way over me
>>21799130 2/10 writing CryoKeen. If it were true you wouldn't be slandering me and threatening me on /pol/
Jews really are incapable of honesty.
>>21799917 Stop smoking so much meth BI. Go get some sleep, we're worried about you. Maybe go eat some menudo & calm down. It's Christmas, retard
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>>21799931 Why are the Freemason child rapists who commit crime and harass people for years, the ones who moralfag?
>is paid by a freemason child rapist >his job is to lie to people online (for almost 2 years now) >part of a criminal organization that gangstalks and harasses people And CryoKeen the loser has the balls to moralfag about how other people need to be nicer to him online. Fat Jewish loser.
>>21799942 You do realize i'm not Cryo, right? how in the world did you jump to that conclusion, you crazy man >_<*
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>>21799945 Hey Jew, you ever going to respond to the content of my posts? Or are you going to keep getting shit on in /pol/?
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CryoKeen you should already see the direction the wind is blowing. Pilpul isn't going to save you or your boss. Sam was set up by Jet. Fishtank played to Sam's sadist desires, while removing his ability to destroy evidence (which Sam is a big fan of.) I'm really just a messenger. If it wasn't me, it would be someone else. Your struggling is a sign to everyone that I'm right, which is why you were banned on /pol/,
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when i first started posting i was simping for summer because i didnt know betty existed and it was popular to hate on summer at the time
its crazy how much stuff has happened since then. how many people hated on me for liking betty. all the times i made her mad and she made me have a meltdown. i also really pushed myself to do things i wouldnt normally have done because of it. a lot of the magic is fading away though and im getting played out. im sure people are just tired of me by now. i want my new years resolution to be i actually go away for real this time.
>>21800503 Have your resolution be to do things for yourself, to build a life of joy and fulfillment outside of wanting other approval. Everyone has ulterior hopes and dreams, and by passively working on your internal self they will come true.
You don't have to go, but you do need to recalibrate the reasons to come. Come to show your art your vision and what your TF eyes see.
Good things will happen.
I hope that Betty had a perfect Christmas! If it wasn't perfect, then at least a good one where she got a few nice gifts and some rest.
>>21801352 It feels like just yesterday when Betty made that 2024 new years post. Went by so fast. I truly hope dat gurl Betty had a good Christmas
Good day cunts. I think I over did it at the party ayy.
>>21797640 Wasn't really an afl fan myself. Rugby was, I was a centre in my school's rugby team. Best part of being a 6'4 battering ram at age 15 no cunt could stop me when I had the ball.
>>21801352 >>21801374 >>21800525 >I hope that Betty had a perfect Christmas! I hope so too and that all you cunts did too.
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>>21800525 >>21801352 >>21801374 >>21801418 CryoKeen why are you posting here on Christmas? Don't you have a family? You're paid to simp for retarded egirls?
>donate money to bitty's cashapp >not even a message back feelsbadman
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>>21801640 She appreciates it trust me she probably just has a lot of them to click through
i thought it was just me that makes me feel better actually
>>21801717 How much did you send TF? You said it was the unthinkable
lol no i just meant me sending anything because i said i wouldnt. im not gonna say because i dont think it would be right it. more than i could afford im most definitely be homeless now unless bitty takes me to disney one day.
it really wasnt a lot i just hope she can forgive me eventually i am not proud of anything
>>21801732 She does forgive you. I don’t think shes mad at you at all but she can’t unblock because of the dm issue.
The_Prick !!tY6LBVa1fAb
>>21800503 You'll be back again Treefaggots. Your mental illness makes it uncapable to be actually get detached from anything, and it will be your undoing
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>>21801640 >>21801717 >>21801719 >>21801729 >>21801732 >>21801737 >>21801744 Hey samefag you should make a discord instead of pretending 4chan is discord. The pedophile shit fetish board doesn't need your paid shilling.
well i dont have a twitter anymore
Betty deserves the world desu. Seems like she had a good Christmas
>>21801802 Errm, i love Bitty
>>21801804 She’s the best and she rocks
>>21801796 >>21801802 >>21801804 >>21801806 Hey CryoKeen why do you VPN hop and pretend it isn't you?
Merry Christmas /bbg/
Betty lookin' pretty as she always does
>>21801810 I get you're mentally ill but why do you repeat yourself so often?
>>21801817 CryoKeen, you're paid by Freemasons, VPN hop, and never acknowledge anything I say.
You just passively bitch and criticize me like a BPD female. No weight to what you say.
It's why you shit your diaper about me until you were banned from /pol/.
>>21801831 This is going in the JFEDLA newsletter for sure.
>>21801827 Post one time from a VPN in another country please.
>>21801831 >>21801836 you never responded to my post, samefag.
>>21801838 do it nigger. show me these "skills" of yours.
>>21801839 You still didn't respond to any of my posts, Jew.
>>21801842 punk biiiiiiiitchhhh
>>21801831 >>21801836 >>21801839 >>21801846 Vpn hopping Jew is incapable of a conversation.
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>>21801848 I fucking hate you :)
The_Prick !!tY6LBVa1fAb
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>>21801848 Imagine if Treefaggots finally goes rogue and starts markyposting/pretending that imaginary Freemasons are hunting him down like this retard Bad Ideas. Would you still defend your former bettysimp?
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Cats is watchin
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>>21797755 She used to be so hot bros WHAT HAPPENED