my parents make my life hell while staying there and try to screw with me every time i try to take a step toward leaving their house. i will have some gubmint handouts coming my way soon... ive already given them most of my money in rent over the years. i heard this story about this retard kid who would be abused by his mother, lash out, go to jail for months, then shed take him back and the cycle would repeat. she'd collect money from him being disabled.
boomers have no care for family. its all about them. my parents always rub in my face the fact that they work to keep a roof over my head. yet they hold me back and abuse my siblings if i defy them.
i think theyve just given up. they will never apologize or admit fault. theyre not going to work things out. theyll burn the house down, blame u, kick u out on the street, collect the insurance money, and then make their normie social network stalk and harass u if u dont take care of them in their old age.
theyre the real adult children. refusing or unable to mature, love, and care for others. theyll say i love u but their actions will show differently