>>21802439Yahweh and Jehova are not the same because you say so? you are not refuting any of my arguments, just "I'm right because I say so".
The person you're quoting is Saul (corinthians, these are letters Saul who later changed his named to Paul to distance himself from jews after having killed christians while openly jewish), who wasn't an apostle of Jesus, didn't walk with Jesus, never met Jesus, aka he wrote the "talmud" of the new testament, he took things written before him and started advising his "christian brothers" on things, that's what corinthians and other "books/letters" of the bible are, let's quote Jesus, God and his apostles only please, shall we?
"The father is God", yes, every christian knows God is the father, the creator of the universe, the same God of Genesis, Jesus is the "son", two separate entities.
"the holy spirit is equated with God in terms...", GOD and the holy spirit are titles given to God, the God of Genesis, so what are you exactly saying here dumb ass?, if I say you and idiot I'm refering to the same guy in the UK
And you are not saying "any common knowledge", you are telling blatant lies, which is: The christian God is not the same Jewish God (I'll give you that, they worship the devil instead), but semantically speaking, Yahweh and Jehova (the christian God) are the same entity.
Just because Jesus is called God as well it doesn't mean that Christians believe that Jesus was the one that said "Let there be light", just like someone who is called "My lord" on a TV show is equated to the creator of existence.
But you know why I say you are doing the work of the devil?
You have been doing PILPUL (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilpul) in this whole thread.
Notice how you did not counter any of the arguments in my previous post, you just said what everybody already knows like if that somehow should take away the credibility of what I stated before.