>>21849026I've had a lot of problems with my teeth and I've also done my research.
This is how you maintain healthy teeth:
>brush them once a day, before sleepTwice a day is an overkill, and in the morning doesn't make sense - the food leftover will stay during the night in your mouth, creating cavities
>don't rinse your mouth after brushing your teethLet the paste stay on the teeth, it's a protective shield
>rinse your mouth with water after every food and drinkThe most important thing. You want to get rid of the food leftovers as soon as possible, and right after you eat is the best time.
By doing those 3 things, you'll keep your teeth nice and healthy. I've been stuffing myself with sweets for years, and since 3 years I haven't had a single cavity, despite terrible genetics in that department.