How fucked you are depends on the facts and your resolve.
If it is not gross sexual assault, statistically, you are very likely to take a plea bargain, probably to assault. This is going to FUCK you in all sorts of delayed ways- security clearances, school admissions, future job applications, gun permits, leases etc.
If it is gross sexual assault, pervert, then they won't plea the sex offense away and you are going on the lists and the fucking is worse.
Time, as a defendant, is on your side. Evidence gets lost and corrupted. Witnesses blow town or die, memories fade.
If you are not out on bond, go away. Now. They may issue a warrant for your arrest, so go somewhere where either extradition is difficult or you are hard to find. Toss your phone, and any smart tech. Buy a car off a mexican on craiglist for cash. Stay off social media, go no contact with your people, live a cash based existence, don't drive stupid, don't have a woman, don't drink. You are statistically likely to get caught within two years, but that's two years of the case growing cold and you aren't violating the law.
If you are arrested, and you are guilty, don't let relatives pledge their cash or houses for your bond. Remember all jail house commo is recorded and listened too. Your time in jail is counted as time served if you are convicted. Play for time, and remember that there are no plea deals that go away if you don't take them right now. I've seen a hundred cases fall apart day of trial because witness/victims don't show up.
Regardless, your life is changing. Getting worse. Gym up, delete social media, start volunteering at a food bank, don't talk about the case with anyone, don't get in anymore trouble.