When I was 12 and I thought I had the world figured out. Now I have become a catechumen in the Orthodox Church. I drive an hour each way every Sunday. God is good.
>>21882292>>21882294>anons cant even summon the common sense to realize that the jews in the bible are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to the "jews" that exist todayorthodox christianity predates "judaism" as it has been practiced for the last 1500 years.
the old testament CONSTANTLY POINTS TO CHRIST and modern "jews" aka mutts of khazars, europeans, and arabs completely ignore this and make up a style of worship and theology that is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM PRE TALMUD JUDAISM (AND MOST OF THEM ARE ATHEIST ANYWAYS)XN8kx
basically, you're going to need to decide on a religion (or you could just be an atheist and never think about anything serious at all i guess, sounds pretty sad).
i used to be buddhist because i thought it was fair.
hen i became gnostic because it fit perfectly with buddhism as an explanation for evil and suffering.
but ultimately, those are schizo religions and will make your life horrible. considering this, christianity is truly THE ONLY HOPE for salvation on this earth. or what? youi'd prefer islam? a religion founded by a pedo warlord?
whether you like it or where it came from or not, there is no other hope. otherwise, we get:
>eternal darkness>eternal cycles of reincarnation into suffering>potential evil deity keeping us in a suffering matrix>completely pointless "le everything is science" lifejesus christ of nazareth is THE ONLY HOPE.