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You all cringe in this, but the scientists have to admit that it's likely that the ones who expose their DNA to the immobilizing frozen effects of the protohuman from 700 million years ago and are yet still found evolving with the speed of white people, said another way, the side that makes evolution full throttle in whites overlaid on the groundpointing canopy-treetop singing mozambique vervet monkey dominance in fucking or being fucked, killing or being killed, eating, or being ate code from 400 to 900 million years ago, will be rewarded into existence by both the simulation and the 666 Jewish Polyergus antklan presiding over all that light touches for now.
I am about as informed about how the genetic algorithm works as anyone and a tactical mix, that is, giving the offspring a non-zero chance to bring back what made silverback groundpounders dominant in africa like Sharks did in the ocean, and got frozen, and bringing them back up to fast evolution, like whites have for the last thirty thousand, may be the pinhole that produces the new variant of human life around which all future life rotates. And the tree of life will do what it's always done, select a sub-tier branch for the new tallest backbone of the species.
By that same logic, mating with sharks would also be logical, since they dominated for a thousand million years, unbroken hegimon of the fishy seas.
You said you wanted sharks of the orbit around our star right? Well then, mate with the sharks and humans from 900 million years ago.
Most will fail, the square root of the square root, will show you how blacks did dominate the world as hegimon for millions of years at a time.