>>21912959My daughter got diagnosed as being on the spectrum. (Vaccines did it IMO) She's just quirky and everyone fucking loves it.
She's extremely popular at kindergarten, has beenthe favorite of all her teachers, everyone wants to sit by her on the bus, etc.
She charms the hell out of strangers because she randomly walks up to people and says her name, how old she is, and then picks up whatever thought she had in her head before the interaction.
My son is totally normal (no vax of any kind). Thank god.
I even asked her doctor about how she seems to be developing, and he was like "pfft, as far as autism goes, she appears to have gotten all the good parts and no e of the bad"
Also, she remembers EVERYTHING. Like the color of the ticket for the local performance of sleeping beauty last summer. Who won what game of tic tac toe 6 months ago. The obscure name of some lizard she learned about when she was three.
She's gonna be fine.