>>21931291I build a wooden dacha because I'm fucking poor*.
You build a wooden mcmansion because you got jewed.
We are not the same.
* (I had gotten jewed)
On a serious note and without generalizations, wooden houses are just cheaper and, considering how most construction worker teams that we have here are absolute morons, they are harder to fuck up to the point where you have to tear the whole thing down entirely. The soil is god-awful clay, some winters get quite cold (and not just for a few days), so earth churns like crazy, heavy metal poles pop right out of the ground if not settled deep enough. Single slab foundations are still rare, people usually go with pier/pile or concrete strip footing. Pier is cheaper, faster, harder to mess up. However masonry is heavy so you don't build it on pier. So they build out of wood.
As for the single slab foundations (pour concrete over an area) people still mess those up.
I've recently heard of an instance where people poured one like that, complete with perimeter pavement and then built a concrete house on it. They did finish the roof but not the windows or heating before winter set in and they left. When they returned in autumn, they discovered that the following had happened: snow fell on the outer part of the slab (perimeter pavement around it) cold winter set in water froze under the ground snow acted as an insulator for the perimeter pavement, but since the interior had no such insulation, earth below the actual house churned more than it did outside this uneven forces created pressure on the slab foundation causing it to crack this cracked the rest of the house as well contractors vanished. But, to be fair, iirc the concrete used on foundation turned out to have been heavily diluted too and the upper layer of rebar sank all the way to the bottom too.
If I were on a tight budget I'd probably still go for concrete walls on (insulated) concrete slab though. I hope that answers the inquiry.