>>21941231Honestly, anything female that's loyal, kind, faithful and wants a big family is preferred to me.
The more I find out about the average roastie, the less appealing they are apart of a distinct role as a slave wife or surrogatemother.
I just don't find them and their flimsiness, their body language towards me, their psychology that has driven them towards their current situation and so on attractive anymore.
I will probably just look for surrogate mothers when I make it, or move to a country that upholds prenups to the point I actually can see myself marrying and copulating with a roastie or kick her to the curb the first hour she refuses her wifely duties.
God, no man deserves a wife that is biologically wired to mistake kindness and love for weakness and can't return the same love she gets in her darkest hours towards the man in his.