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Proud Whites

ID:9uhcCmpv No.2196325 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I see you foreigners here. On my imageboard. On 4chan. I see the newfaggots getting more aggressive every day. I see 2 loli threads. I see a pathetic jew shilling for anime porn. I see this beautiful imageboard, my home, degrading in quality every day. It becomes worse and worse.

But I also see many proud Americans here. Many, many top-shelf whites such as myself who know the way this world (and this board) is headed. They know what is happening and they know what needs to be done. So I don't give up hope. There are so many of you here, really. The finest example of European masculinity is in the American of today. There is no hope for Europe or some other shit country like Australia. If you want to flee and come here then.. Well maybe we can work something out if you're sincere in renouncing your cuckoldry but most of you are genetic waste at this point.

Let's get something straight here. I don't hate any other race but the rest of the world is objectively trash. The brown and yellow hordes are some sort of biological disaster but I'm not even talking about them. You see; I don't even consider them. I'm talking about the other whites. They aren't proud like us. What worth have they now? What value? Where is their patriotism? Don't you see? We invented capitalism. We invented the internet that you use to communicate now. We invented the most deadly and powerful weapons systems known to man. We've exported out superior culture to such a severe extent that our ideas naturally dominate your minds. How many of you faggots even know that you think ALWAYS in the enlightenment paradigm? I bet none of you do, hah!

I just wanted to tell you guys. I wanted to make sure you understand. We ARE the best. We have been the best since our inception. We will always be the best. The best of the Europeans. The best of the whites. I'm proud of that fact and that's the way it's gonna fucking stay.