>>21979082The song Det Som Engang Var is good, but Filosofem is the best album, no question about it. I think Filosofem really defined Varg as a musician, the gloomy mix of his darkest lyrics and the black nature of the shrill Ambient tones truly offers an atmosphere that can only be found in the darkest corners of Scandinavia. When Hliðskjálf was released in 1999, many people just think that it is simple music, but it is actually Varg's personal statement about Burzum himself.
"En Ring Til Å Herske." A personal favorite. A song so catchy that many forget the lyrics, and get lost in their thoughts to the riff that Varg himself described, "created to lift your mind and carry you away". But they should, because the song is not only about Tolkien's darkest creation, but it was a hidden anchor to modern degenerate society.