>>21996713nobody worships Jesus, he did not want you to worship him that is not what is intended(there is none good but One, that is God)
he is the sign God sent for us to be saved.
you are supposed to see that God sent His son to stand in place of our sins
Jesus is the messiah of peace, teaching man that to be forgiven we must forgive.
peace is perfect faith in God. to let him judge and to believe fully in his judgment without hypocrisy
see John 8 for example. let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
the jews are waiting for a messiah that will deliver them kingdoms
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich)
and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
everything of the body dies
that which is of the spirit is eternal.
all that sin are slave to sin
the way of materialism is slavery. saturnus devours his children
as all of them consume in evil from the top down.
those who are self interested vie for position in a hierarchy to gain material
see the freemasons who are slaves to the jew and do his illegal work(so the jew can argue with God), and the demons who are slave to the devil
the point of self interest is to gain for the self, it is arrogance and gluttony. the interest of the devil is to lie so that all are consumed in evil
God is both the God of heaven and the God of hell. he does both good and evil to teach us a lesson in wisdom.
all is wisdom.
pride is the chief sin to which all sins relate. it is egregious self interest.
we exist between the confines and so must humble ourselves.
understanding is the difference between right and wrong.
life and death, truth and lies. heaven and hell. spirit and material.
to desire the treasure of the spirit, love, is the greatest lesson for man.
all things temporary are just that and they all die. all the ideas, all the stuff, and all the men vehemently locked in the desires of flesh.