>>22000728>still thinking women’s only value is sex. Yes, very few men outside of certain cultures and other restraints on women’s behaviors that have exposed themselves as gutter sluts with no remorse, get virgin tradwives.
But coping like you are got us where we are as a society.
I’m pragmatic too. I’ve done things very few women would approve of but probably not any sexually.
Women have their things that give them the ick and men have theirs.
This isn’t going to change. Ever.
And for trusting a girl, sluts can’t be trusted.
Trying to pretend that men are sustainably going to marry and have children with literal lot lizards is like thinking women on mass will want to marry 5’2 drug addicts, that are homeless and have three inch skinny penises.
I myself have had long term relationships with literal hoes in their past with mixed results.
And then it comes down to attitudes. How does she treat you. Does she rub it in your face? Does she fail to see that all those “real men” she had didn’t choose her and there was nothing special about her other than the fact she was an easy pump and dump and appreciate the guy who is willing to stick around?
This is the locus of the current problem.
With current situation you are basically asking men to love their women about as much as pimps love their hoes.
>fuck whoever you want baby but save some for daddy. And bring me dat money or get the belt. As the culture becomes increasingly more violent and cut throat as is already happening the broken social contract between men and women will continue to exasperate societal decay of which women will be the last ones to admit they are the root cause.
You sound a lot like the people shaming us for being pissed of about the bullshit overhyping of troon worship and 10,000 genders.
Women are wisening up, they are deleting their hoe evidence profiles and will try to blend in as good girls but you can’t larp as a trad wife or virtuous woman.