>>22006371Jesus was a literal pedophile.
>Every one of Jesus’ apostles besides Peter was underage (neaniskos is the Greek word used)>When a woman questions why he hangs out with kids he says “don’t scandalize me”>Tells these boys he will make them “fishers of men”>Goes into upper rooms and washes their feet while naked>Tells them to “eat his flesh and drink his haima” (if you think this means “blood” here, see Ezekiel 23:20)>Is arrested in a public park at 4am with a naked boy (see Mark 14:51-52)>When the cops show up he says “why do you come for me with swords and clubs like I’m some kind of leistes”>The word leistes, which gets translated as “thief” is actually “pirate” and was used in contemporary texts (many examples such as Lucian’s Alexander) to refer to sex traffickers>Sex trafficking was a big problem in the Mediterranean and one of the big things the Romans did was crack down on the pedo pirates. Julius Caesar himself was kidnapped by them as a kid and afterwards had them all crucified>Jesus Christ was in fact crucified between two other leistesThere's a reason Jesus's "Most Beloved Disciple" is always depicted as a beardless boy whereas the rest of his followers had beards. Dude liked em young.
So if you're asking if Christianity is anti-degeneracy/homosexuality, the true answer is a firm, "definitely not." Christians worship a sexual predator.