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/bant/ - International/Random
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05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
10/04/16 New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
06/20/16 New 4chan Banner Contest with a chance to win a 4chan Pass! See the contest page for details.
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R: 0
Welcome to /bant/: Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random /bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world. No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.

R: 86 / I: 38
type your ID into google images and post the first image that appears no images = shorten your ID until one appears

R: 0
How did I get here?

R: 13 / I: 5
A: A

R: 10
>go to see best movie of the year >is full of one liners and hamfisted pop culture references >mfw when did everything went so fucking wrong?

R: 0
Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

R: 11 / I: 9
*blocks your path* Blow it out your ass Ausfailian

R: 3 / I: 1

R: 0
i am h avin'g probelms with my mem,,oruy >please as'k me >>/a/ny >th;;inf

R: 148 / I: 98
KPOP GENERAL: White edition