>>22050908>Trans people tend to be poorI was unable to find any data backing this up. There were some surveys from a decade ago indicating modest elevations of the poverty rate within the LGBT cohort, but trends have probably changed.
What I DO know is that white males are at a comparatively greater economic disadvantage. I personally know multiple trannies with appealing positions, suggesting a pattern of favoritism. Even if it is very costly to be transgender (via mental disorders, etc.), it may confer greater fitness if it allows evasion of societal barriers to success (Cf. antagonistic pleiotropy). It may not be entirely unreasonable to speculate that transgender individuals have a greater probability of reproduction than many sexually excluded men.
Further, LGBT individuals are more intelligent, particularly for natal males who exhibit feminine characteristics in adolescence
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-011-9737-1>A lot of them are sex workersRecent estimates only put this at 11%, which itself is heavily skewed by comparatively pronounced incidence among those of black/latinx ethnicity
https://survivorsagainstsesta.org/lgbtq/11% isn't really "a lot." It's certainly less than the 33% male sexlessness rate
"During that time, the researchers found that sexual inactivity had increased from 19 percent to 31 percent among men age 18 to 24."
https://news.iu.edu/live/news/26924-nearly-1-in-3-young-men-in-the-us-report-having-noAnd what's so bad about sex work? It's not the most appealing profession, but many might find it preferable to opprobrious menial work like fast food, sanitation workers, "door dashers" who zip around on scooters and constantly risk traumatic brain injury, etc.
>It's all emotionsIs it? A great amount of data seems consonant with my conclusions. (And I do mean this respectfully.) Data clearly indicate that transgender people are better-off than many males.