>>22102531grim? maybe. depends on what you expect or demand from life, your time, your efforts, and your friends, peers, and professional acquaintances. pouring your heart and soul into something (whether work, play, or even art) for nothing, is a lesson in the human condition. become a parent (i have 3 kids) and youll quickly learn the lesson of fleeting existence. we homeschool, but even then we cant teach them EVERYTHING. daughter goes to ballet. we had to sign them up for swimming lessons because of bad timing. taught them to ride a bike at least. taught them tie their shoes, bathe themselves, get dressed etc etc etc. but despite all the time and effort and love parents pour into their kids, the kids will ignore, reject, disobey, betray, or who knows what else. whether in rebellion or just as a natural part of the maturing process that ultimately culminates with marriage and the leaving of the parents to cleave to the spouse in holy matrimony. replaceability is inevitable. but should one NOT give their all despite knowing the future? of course not. we dont btfo our kids because we know at some point they must leave the nest. should we not give our all to work, play, or art because we know we will most likely go unnoticed? be the dreaded unsung hero? niggers have taught us that EVERYONE gets their moment in the spotlight. pretty sure they made a movie about the brave sheboons who sorted fucking mail during ww2! wow! such brave, many stunnings! but does that mean this must happen to ALL people who devote a cunt hair's worth of effort to a cause, however noble? no. some people, if not vast vat majority, WILL die in obscurity. grim? maybe.