>>22104427>>22104425Is not about hormone disrupting chemicals and It's not really because of nigger culture, well I mean, nigger culture or not that wouldn't change anything.
White "women" are distinguished by more masculine traits. They have square jaw, angular facial features, prominent brow ridges, more developed mastoid processes, combined with a more robust skeleton. They are also taller, more odorous (unlike Asian women with the ABC11 gene) and their voices are often louder and more resonant, contrasting with the softness and delicacy of Asian women. They are closer to African women than we think. Their behavior is not the cause of some hook nosed Abrahamic entity, but just the reflection of their caveman biology.
If a white woman acting cute, it just doesn’t work, like a man wearing a wig, its cringe,as their genetics predispose them otherwise. When Asian girls do the dances, it's cute. When White "girls" do it or act cute, it's cringe. Their bodies were simply not designed for this role. Fundamentally, they resemble men with female reproductive organs. Even surgical alterations can do little to change the underlying biology, leaving them as little more than modified men. unironically, the phrase "YWNBAW" could just as easily apply to white "women", whose traits deviate significantly from the feminine ideal. I'm using white "women" as an example but it applies to all non Asian women. Why don't you see any difference between white "women" and trannies these days? Well you have your answer but deep down you always knew it.