>>2211627The inland northwest, close enough to the coast to head over there in a few hours any time and indulge in whatever I'd care to in a metropolis, but far enough away to not get permanently saturated with hippie faggotry.
I am obviously engaging in typical 4chan hyperbole, as there are plenty of areas back east I've never visited, and some of them actually sound alright. By and large, though, "fat and uneducated" seems to be the standard type for the eastern American, and I'm not just applying that stereotype to its usual southern horizons.
The obesity issue alone back there is appalling beyond description (of course there are places like that in the West as well, but it's not as all-pervasive over here). I never thought of myself as being prone to judging people on the basis of appearance before visiting some eastern states, but in most spots I've personally been to back there, I sincerely find a good 2 / 3 of strangers too revolting to even look at. Growing up, I'd always thought the "Amerifat" stereotype was exaggerated, but nope, just gotta go to the right areas.