- Reduced feelings of comfort and security in one's own body. Body dysmorphia.
- Sexual dysphoria. Fear of intimacy.
- Prone to rages and crying spells (colic) or numbness and dissociation
- Increased risk of developing a personality disorder (sociopathy, narcissism, paranoic, co-dependency, etc), pursuing relationships that are abusive/exploitative.
- White populations: 30x greater rate of serial killers, 100x overall greater rate of sex offenders
- Prone to addictions, fears, phobias, fixations, unhealthy obsessions
- "Adamant father syndrome". Strong need to repeat and perpetuate the cycle of circumcision abuse
- An unconscious need to re-live the trauma. A fixation on violence and suffering, followed by panic and dissociation.
- Higher likelihood of developing a sex addiction, interest in BDSM, and/or sexual paraphilias.
- Eating and sleeping disorders
- Develops either a deep loathing or a "captive love" (Stockholm Syndrome) for authority
- Develops a fear and loathing for women.
- Difficulty accessing higher emotional and spiritual states such as love, joy, serenity, empathy, connectedness, oneness, compassion, etc.
- Gets stuck in negative thinking patterns (pessimism, paranoia, cynicism, nihilism, extreme/pathological selfishness, shame, guilt, worthlessness, etc)
- Unconscious feelings of extreme vulnerability and hurt followed with over-compensation "Something bad will happen and I'm not ready, I must always be prepared, I must always remain one step ahead, I will get them before they get me, I am a ferocious killer, I am a machine, nothing can hurt me, etc)
- Avoidance and denial: "I must be happy all the time. I cannot tolerate feeling bad at all. I am intellectual or spiritual, I don't have to deal with emotions or the body, that is beneath me."