>be Brazillian
>be unymployed just like the 13M others
>get a job at a shitty public job
>doesn´t get paid because country has no money
>have to pay taxes of 60% or above
>buys a shitty italian car by the price of a Camaro ZL1(not even kidding)
>gets shot on the street by random bullet of a millicia/dealers conflict
>bleeding on the ground while everyone watches
>someone just stole your wallet and phone
>2 hours later, emergency arrives, without half of the materials on board
>get to the hospital
>contracts type-c Hepatitis from a tranfusion
>also dengue and zika
>cuban illegal doctor dont give a fuck
>kick you out of the hospital
>gets stabbed in the way home by a coccaine crazzed fuckhead
>body gets trown on random river
The Brazillian experience...