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No.22189612 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Europeons have turned out to be so much more pathetic than I ever thought was possible. These countries are politically irrelevant Islamic colonies that only exist in the first place because American bled for them generations ago and are now run by hysterical women and male feminists and sandwiched between nucleating superpowers, one of which shows up and tells them to start pulling their weight and get their house in order, so they have a full blown meltdown that includes even their own leaders crying while the rest of them try to gaslight you and insult you into getting you to going back to putting them on the dole. These are supposed to be descendants of proud people. Imagine having to be the guy to spin this in the history books. Beyond grim for Europeans. Honestly, if I was European this whole thing would convince me it’s over more than anything in the last few decades. The total lack of political instincts, strong leadership, or frankly any virtues at all is devastating. It’s over.