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ID:d0Jo1axf No.22228881 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bottom be like:
>"idk if i want to bottom any more"
>"i tried fucking a dude while we were apart and my dick couldnt get hard but i tried"
>"im also thinking about women lately i really want to try to be with women"
Also that bottom:
>*shaves their armpits because they smell bad*
>"idk if i can step outside today since i havent washed my hair yet"
>"i cant poop in a public restroom because i need to shower afterward"
>"omfg i hate my phone its such shit and i hate how i keep dropping it out of my [leather] jacket"
>"my life sucks so fucking much" *proceeds to make me listen to him bitch about a million and a half things that nobody but bottoms bitch about*
>*whining more than a woman in general*
>"im ocd and everything has to be clean and perfect"
>*proceeds to not show me an ounce of cleanliness other than their butthole for the year ive known them*